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be in the Kings hands since the death of umquhile Sir Duncan
Campbell ’ (R.S.S., xcix. p. 73). Then he had his wife and
her sister served heirs portioners to Sir Duncan, and started
litigation with Glenorchy, who was ultimately constrained to
buy off those claims by a payment of 24,000 merks. Without
much more knowledge of the facts, it is not easy to see how
any flaw in Glenorchy’s title had not been cured by pre¬
scription, but it may be taken for granted that he would not
have paid this large sum if he could have helped it!
In the course of these proceedings this charter by King
Robert i. was produced, and in respect that it was frail the
Court ordered it to be formally transumed (Acts and Decreets,
426.66), and it is now printed from an old copy in the
Breadalbane Charter Chest and compared with the transumpt
in the Books of Court.
Charter by King Robert i. to Sir Arthur Campbell
Robertus, etc. Sciatis nos dedisse concessisse et hac
present! carta nostra confirmasse, Arthuro Campbell militi
dilecto et fideli nostro pro homagio et servitio suo, tres
denariatas terrae de Torinturkill,1 infra partes de Loryn
et denariatam terrae de Sronsoleir duas denariatas terre
de Lettirnanalla cum insula eiusdem 2 sex denariatas terre
de Glencricceris tres denariatas terre de Blairhalchan
et de Blarenanerchennach quatuor denariatas terrae de
1 If this spelling is correct then the meaning would be the Tor or Mound
of Torquil, and not the Tor of the Boar as generally supposed. The
names of these lands have, as usual, been messed by some ignorant scribe.
Other forms appear on p. 17, supra.
2 Lettirnanalla means the lands lying on the sloping side of Loch Nell.
The island, which seems partly artificial, was obviously a rude strong¬
hold, and as late as 1527 Archibald Campbell of Lerog had a fee for ' the
keeping of the isle of Lochnell.’ In an old inventory at Inveraray there
is noted a resignation on 24 June 1498 in favour of Argyll by Reginaldus
Mac Ian vie Alan du of Lome, and Dugald and John his brothers, of all
right to the 64 merklands of Lochnanella. And the names of these
64 merklands, which include the isle of Lochnell, are given in detail in
a Charter of Confirmation of 1666 to Archibald Campbell then of Lochnell.
They also include Leaddage and Ardmucknish in the Benderloch, where
the present castle of Lochnell stands.

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