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of this Church, and having the testimony of the Pres-
bytrie of A. concerning his conversation and qualifica¬
tion, as the act of his admission and the Presbyterie’s
certificat herewith produced, do shew, is resolved to live
peaceably and inoffensively under the present Government,
and purposeth, through the Lord’s strength, to labour
with all diligence and faithfulnesse in all the dueties of
that charge whereunto he is admitted, and to behave
himself in all things as becometh a minister of the
Therefore may it please your Lordships to give order
for his receiving and enjoying the stipend and whole
benefitts due and belonging unto the said charge since
his call and admission, and for tyme comeing, without
lett or interruption.
Advice concerning the sending some Brother to
the Lord Protector
The Brethren having certain information that their
protesting Brethren have a purpose to send up some of
their number to the Protector, therefor it is thought verie
necessarie that the Brethren of Edinburgh, with the
advyce and concurrance of any other Brethren that stay,
to send up some Brother with Instructions for representing
the condition of affaires here, and for using all means to
keep off anything that may be projected by the dissenters
to the prejudice of this Church.
Collection for Publik Business
The Brethren think it necessarie that there be a generall
contribution for Publick businesse amongst Brethren of
their owne judgment, viz. That everie stipend of a
thousand pounds or above, pay twentie merks ; of a thou¬
sand merks and above, ten pounds ; and everie stipend
beneath a thousand merks, ten merks ; to be sent in
to Mr. John Smyth against the end of September

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