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and, if the desire relate unto the future, so as whatever
they were in our judgment for the tyme by past, yet
they shall be repeated and never afterward alledged as
the definitive sentence of this Kirk. Neither can this be
granted, because it were upon the matter a doubt of this
authority of these Assemblies which did establish them
and a means to begett at least a strong presumption if
either injustice in publik judicatories or of levitie;
it were to render the resolutions of the Commission of the
Kirk in these things as tho not yet approven; it were
to strengthen our Brethren and others of their judgement
in that opinion that these resolutions were the sin of the
land and a great part of the cause of all that wrath which
is burning against us ; and it could not but be interpreted,
as at home, so by the Kirks abroad who have heard of
our questions herein as a taking with the guiltines of those
as persons cast upon us on all hands. And, now, seing
we are clear in our judgements that these resolutions
are just and warrantable, wee appeall to all the sober
and judicious, even to the consciences of our brethren
upon the review, to judge how we can in conscience con¬
descend to such a desire, whereunto our condescendence
would inevitablie bring with it all the aforementioned
sinfull consequences. But, 3, Our holding of these re¬
solutions to be the definitive sentence of this Kirk doth not,
as is alledged, exceedingly weaken our other concessions
unto our Brethren, we having undertaken not to urge
them upon, nor alledge them against any of their judge¬
ments as the definitive sentence of this Kirk, neither
maketh it our concessions to be of mere grace. They
are indeed favourable concessions for peace, and such
as we doe conceive ourselves, in the present woefull
condition of this Kirk, bound to offer in order to peace.
4, We did also refuse to grant that part of their desire
whereby they would have us binding up ourselves that
in no possible occasion hereafter we should give any such
resolution, becaus that were interpretatively to take with
the guilt of a fault in what is already passed. It were,
as we conceaved, to bind us up from the practice of a

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