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relateing, shall not hereafter be made use of in any judi¬
catory of this Kirk for continueing or renewing debates
about the matters of our present differences, and that
they shall not debarr any persons, otherwayes qualified
according to the rules of the word of God and constitu¬
tions of this Kirk, from any Kirk privilege, office, or
imployment, upon the accompt of any matters of our
late differences. Lykeas we doe on our part declare that
wee shall debarr none qualified as is aforesaid, upon the
account of anie matters of the said differences.
2. Albeit we doe judge that no unwarrantable prelimi¬
tations were put upon the election of Commissioners to
these two late Generali Assemblies, yet we doe declare
it to be our mynd that in tyme comeing no unwarrantable
prelimitations be put upon the election of Commissioners
to any ensueing Generali Assemblies, that whatsoever
relevant exceptions shall be proponed and offered to be
verified against any that shall be chosen Commissioners,
should be taken into consideration and discussed accord¬
ing to the established order and constant practise of the
Kirk, it being hern always understood and expressly pro¬
vided that none of the particulars of our late differences
be alledged on either part against the sitting of persons
as Commissioners in ensueing Generali Assemblies.
3. As we acknowledge ourselves to be standing bound
by our solemn vowes to adherence unto and constancie
in the doctrine, worship, government, and dicipline of
this Kirk, and dueties relateing to enemies of trueth, and
godlines, and of the worke of Reformation, and everie
other duetie contained in our Covenants and in the
solemn confession of sinnes and engagement to dueties
and acts of former assemblies relating thereunto, so we
doe declare, seeing it is by our Brethren required as an
article of union, that it is our purpose in the strength of
the Lord’s Grace, in our station and calling to adhere
constantly unto the same. And albeit we judge it not
necessarie nor expedient to make any new engagement or
covenant to be solemnly taken or subscryved for these
matters, yet we doe agree, and are content, that all of us

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