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Taylor, William, 307.
in Edinbanchrie, 233,268.
Teinds, 211; teind silver, 227, 277,
279> 3I4> 3l6) 32° I teind victual,
225, 227, 237, 279.
Terry, James, 15.
Tether, 309 n.
Tethering of stock, 226, 230, 288.
Teviotdale (Tevindall), Patrick, 224,
23I> 237> 241-242.
Tew, lieutenant, 67.
Thayne, Elspeth, 317.
Theft, 15-17, 289, 309 n.
Thirlage to mills, 211, 230, 234,
239, 242-243, 254, 264, 275, 282,
287, 293, 298, 300, 316.
Thomson, Alex., fined for assault,
Andro, 201.
Bassie, in Persellevy, fined
for assault, 294.
David, of Strackmortin, 42.
George, 199.
Henry, killed in a brawl, 55,
-—— James, notary public, 227,
23I> 233-235: in Milhill, 229; in
Towie, 248.
John, in Camdard, 281.
Maitland, editor of the
Forbes Baron Court Book, 203-
Robert, 195.
William, capt.-lieut., 67.
in Auchgathyll, 273,
in Collhay, 289, 295,
elder in Putachie, 273-
Thorne, Peter, 14.
Tichbourne, alderman, 164 and n,
Tillykerrie, 211 and n, 272, 274.
Timber, 226, 277; carriage of, 225 ;
stealing of, 276, 295. See Wood.
Tindall, Andrew, 15.
Tite, Robert, provost marshal,
35-36, 46, 59.
Todd, William, 58.
Tolmaads, Kincardine O’Neil, 211,
230, and passim-, Easter, 229,
231; Wester, 230; Miltoun, 229,
231, 292; mill, 235; Overton,
Tolson, James, 18.
Tornaveen, 211, 231, 299.
Tott, Jacquehne, 131 n.
Touch, James, in Bankheid, 247.
John, in Stondyk, 301,
315; fined for ‘ blooding,’ 293-
William, 245; in Castlehill, 234,
Tough (Touch), parish, 211, 272.
Touris, sir George, of Gaimttoun
[Garleton], 187, 193.
Towie, 215, 251, 259, 295, 305,
James, in Barflett, 248-249.
Trail, Robert, minister of Old
Greyfriars, 153 and n.
Tranent’s contribution to the dis¬
tressed Church of France in 1622,
Traquhane, Jeane, 199.
Tree, assaults with, 269, 273, 319;
cutting of, 315; planting, 212,
23i, 233‘234> 238, 243, 266.
Trenchard, Grace, wife of col.
William Sydenham, 165 n.
Trespass. See Cattle, Fowls, Horses,
Tulliallan, 117, 128, 152.
Twynholm church, 84 and n.
Udny, John, of Newburgh, 211 n.
Udwart, Nathaniel, 186 n.
—— Nicol, 185-186 and n.
University of Edinburgh and its
connection with the Hope family,
139 and n.
Urbino, duke of, 181.
Vagabonds, 216, 299.
Vanderoone, ensign Peter, 67.
Vanhoght, Mr., 116, 128, 149.
Varak. See Warrack.
Vans, John, of Barnbarroch, 86 and
sir Patrick, 86 n.
Vebest, Vincent, skipper of Middle-
burgh, 150.
Veitch, Thomas, 132 and n.
Victual duties, 224, and passim.
rent, 21 x and n.
Visitella, Christopher, glass manu¬
facturer, in, 127, 139 and n, 145.
Isaac, painter, 112, 139 m.
Vyr. See Weir.
Wages in 1622, 187.
Waite, ensign, 67.

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