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[Georg Anderson presented John Oliphir cautioner that
John Reiny should be harmless, and John Reiny presented
Alex. Simmer cautioner that Georg Anderson should be
harmless ; each under the failzie of £40 Scots.]
[Court continued.]
[Court for the parishes of Kame, Forbes, Clett, Achendore
etc., holden within the dwelling house of Alex. Somer at
the Kirkstyll of Keame, 30 March 1676. Arthur Dalgamo
of Blaimdynnie bailie. Wil. Gordone n.p. court clerk.
Wil. Layng officer. Dempster blank. Suits called, etc.]
The said day anent a complaint given into the cowrt
be James Ritchie in Balfowr against Alexr. Ritchie yair,
his brother german, for beatting, strickeing, and giveing
him blood ; and the pairtie complained wpon, to witt
Alexr. Ritchie, compeared and contest he wes in handie
gripps with his brother, bot denyed the blood. Whervpon
the said James Ritchie adduced two wittness to prove the
veritie of the thing, viz. William Scott and Georg Weir
in Balfowr, against whom ther wes no objectione ; who
being both solemnlie swome and examined deponed as
folio wes, to witt the said William deponed that he saw
the saides two bretheren hinging in oyeres haires and offer¬
ing to throw wther to the grownd, and that he heard James
Ritchie say he hade gotten blood and called for a nepkyne
from his wyfe to keap it, bot did not sie the blood ; as
also the said Georg Weir deponed that he saw them both
in the same maner; and non of them knowes farder.
Whervpon the said bailzie ordainit both the saides pairties
to suffer the verdict of ane asysse.
Asissores Names
Patrick Jamesone in Kirk-
towne of Forbes.
William Lichtowne in
James Rogder ther.
John Oliver ther.
Georg Mackie in Stondyk.
George Anders one in
Alexr. Mitchell in
Alexr. Somer in Kirkstyll.
Wm. Black in Cuishney,
John Touch in Stondyk.

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