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gras, hauchis or any pairt of haining of thair severall
possessiones, and who is found to hav transactit or trans-
gressit former actis, to pey ten poundes for the foot spad
and fyv poundes for flachter spades, and this act is genner-
allie for the haill lordship of Forbes, and to be poyndit
for the samen within term of law.
The said day James Bonnar in Silivethie and Georg
Anderson at the mill of Barflat, William Lightown in
Towvie, Arthur Michell in Collhay, James Smyth in Logie
are cossin birlaw men and for the inspecktion of the
former actis mad anent the sigththing of the medow
gras and haugh gras and haning who hes castin eather
vith foot spad or flachter spad or pluchit medow gras,
hes givin thair oath of fedilitie yat they sail trewlie and
reallie mak report to William master of Forbes who is
found guiltie of former actis, and to pey conform to
former actis, yat is to say, ten poundes for ilk man vithtin
the said lordship, and to be poyndit for the samen vithin
term of law wnder the paine of poynding.
The said day Georg Walker in Bogie syd being callit
and persewit be Janet Proctor for strecking and blooding
of the said Janet Proctor, quhich the said Georg Walker
did confessit that he did strik the said Janet, and the said
Janet did produc blood befor the forsaid bailzie, quhair
the said Janet did depon [in] jugdment that the said
Georg Walker did blood hir, quhair it was referit to the
voic of ane syss, and Arthur Michell in Collhay as chan-
celler in nam of the haill asyss convictit the said Georg
Walker of blooding the said Janet Proctour ; thairfor the
bailzie forsaid decemes the said Georg Walker to pey the
sowm of tuentie poundis money to William master of
Forbes as ane blood week, and to be poyndit [peyit ?]
vithin term of law wnder the pain of poynding.
The said day Thomas Roger in Bogey syd hes inactit
him selff as principal! and William Lang in Drumminor
as cautioner and sovertie for him as lawborrowes, that
Georg Walker in Bog syd, his vyff, bairnes, servantes,
guidis and geir sail be skaithles and hermles or hurtfull
be him, his wyff, baimes, servantes, guidis and geir in

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