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The said day John Reid in Glentown gav in ane bill
againest John Gordon in Glentown, quhair he did lybill
yat ye said John Gordon did blood and strik him, quhich
ye said John Gordon confessit yat he did strik him, and
ye said John Reid confessit yat he did strik ye said John
Gordon ; thairfor the baillzie forsaid decernes and ordaines
ye said John Gordon to pey to his master for stricking and
beating ye said John Reid ten libs., and ordaines ye said
John Reid to pey fyv libs, for stricking ye said John
Gordon, to be peyit vithin term of law wnder the paine
of poynding.
Lykwayes it is staitit and ordained yat all tennentis
yat is lybill for peyment of custom sheip yat they sail
pey them in againe the first of Maij nixt, wnder the failzie
of fyv markes ffor ilk custom sheip yat is wnpeyit, and to
be poyndit for ye samen.
The said day John Chalmer, servant to ye said William
master of Forbes, is installit and ordainit officir for ye
landes in ye pariochin of Kearne and Clat. Thairfor
according to old vs and wont the haill tennentis, croftis
men and gras men is ordainit to pey to ye said John
Chalmer as ground officir, viz. ewry tennent yat hes ane
pluch labouring ane threff of corn out of ye thrid crop
sold zeir, and 3s. 4d. from ewry croft yat peyis tuentie
markes, and tuall penies Scotis from ewry gras hous, and
who failzies to be peyit [poyndit ?] for ye samen.
The said day it is staitit and ordainit that who is lybill
for peyit [peyment ?] of brew tallan for crop sextie nyn
are ordained to pey the samen vho is restand the samen
againe the last day of March instant, or els to be lybill
to pey four libs, for ilk ston yat is restand, and to be
poyndit for ye samen vithin term of law, wnder ye paine
of poynding.
The said day John Chalmer, greiff and ground officir,
gav in ane bill, who desyrit ane act of court againest any
tennentis, subtennentis vith[in] ye pariochin of Keame or
any deawling vpon ye Maines of Drumminor yat sail put
or villfullie keip any of thair beastes eather hors or nolt
vpon ye gras, bogis, orchardes of Drumminor sail pey thrie

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