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[Court for the parishes of Keime, Forbes, Keig and Auchtindor,
holden at Castell Forbes within the great hall thereof,
17 October 1669. Bailie and court clerk as above. Alex.
Simmer ground officer. Suits called, etc.]
The said day the bailzie forsaid ordaines and decernes
the haill tennentis within the saidis landis to mack pey-
ment of thair silwer dewties and few dewties and tynd
silwer for the zeir and crop sextie aucht to the said
William master of Forbes conform to thair assedationes
and termes of peyment yairin containit, wnder the failzie of
peying poundes for ilk mark that they are found restand
conform to former actes mad yairanent, and to mack
peyment yairof vithin fourtie aucht houres after they be
chargit, wnder the paine of poynding.
[The tenants ordained to pay in their meal and malt for crop
1669 and preceding to the gimel of Castle Forbes, or to pay
£8 Scots for each boll of malt and 10 merks for each boll of
meal undelivered.]
The said day the bailzie hes ordained and ordained
[sic] that no froster in Putachie or keiper of any boges
or parkes vith[in] the lordship of Forbes sail sell or giv
away any manner of timber grat or small, either wandis
or any timber or bark quhatsumewir, als weill wnnamed as
name[d], except thair be leiv askit and obtainet from the
maister of Forbes or his ladey and ane warrand wnder
thair hand for the samen, wnder the failzie of ten poundes
totias quatias.
cum yerin for distroyinge off ye younge treis, and ye saidis tennentis to be
suorne frosteris for keipinge off ye said wood on cuttit, and ye said wood to be
comprysit be sex honest men, and giff it be found war be ye aitinge off ye
guidis yis tyme tuelff moneth, ye said tennentis guidis to be dischargit and
yair takis expyr: and yis to be in my lordis will: and ye saidis tennentis to
answer for yeir servantis and bairnis for cuttinge and braikinge off ye said
wood and for keipinge off ye halkis nestis.’ In the same year ‘Alexander
Simsone gardner hes ye sett of ye gardyne off Putauchie with ye gardneris
croft with ye housis and priviledgis yair off vsit and wont, for ye space off
thrie zeris, beginand at Candilmes byiane. . . . Payand yerfoir zeirlie ye
sowme off ten markis money of maill, and twa mandis to be maid be him self
zeirlie, togidder with ye furnysinge of Putauchie and Fiddes with sic frout and
herbis as growis in ye said zaird.’

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