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The said day the bailzie forsaid decernes and ordaines
the hail! tenentis vithin the forsaid lordship that is restand
any meill or malt for the crop and zeir of God 1667 and
preceiding, is ordained to pey such pryces as the maister
of Forbes receaved for his gernell either for meill or malt
in this present zeir jmvjc thriscor aucht zeres, to be peyit
within term of law wnder the paine of poynding.
The said day the haill millares and pickjman of the
severall millis of ye said lordship is sworn and gav yair
oathis in this present court that they sail not suffer any
tennentis to putt anie dust or rey among thair fearm, and
that they sail tack vp the dust and cuttingis to yair hous
till thar ferm be peyit and delywerit.
The said day the haill tennentis within the said lordship
with thair owin consentis hes inactit themselff that they
sail keip guid nightbourheid in all conditiones, and sail
not mack any truble either be striking vyer or skoldin
vyer in all tym comyng, bot incais of any differenc they
sail goe to ye birly men in ye severall pariochin ordained
for ye vs to desyd questiones, and giv they doe not soe,
giv it sail fall out any wrong, the pairtie yat wrongis
being prowin, they sail pey tuentie poundes vithin term
of law wnder the paine of poynding.
The said day the bailzie forsaid ordaines and decemes
the haill tennentis and vyer persones vithin the said lord-
ship that hes or sail be to hav castin either faill or diveittes
or any kynd of zeird vithin meadowes, hauchis or haning
gras, sail pey sex poundes Scottis to ye maister of Forbes
vithin term of law, wnder the paine of poynding.
The said day John Gordon in Castellhill did confess that he
did strik and beat John Oliphir his son ; yairfor the bailzie
ordaines him to pey fyv poundes money to ye maister
of Forbes vithin term of law, wnder the paine of poynding.
The said day the haill suckin of the myln of Barflat
hes inactit themselff vith yair owin consent yat incais
yat any of them sail sell beir vith the fodder, then and in
yat cais they sail pey multer for ilk boll yat John Glas sail
instruct to be sold, and for ilk load of oatis yat he sail find
goeing to vyer mylnis, then and in that cais they obliig

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