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The said day it is ordained be the said bailyie with con¬
sent of the haill tenentis within the saides landes that they
sail produc and bring thair dischargis to Alexr. Michellis
his hous, or any plac quhair he sail desyr them to bring
yaim, dischargis for yair custom weadderes and customes
foullis for the crop sextie sex and cropis preceding betuixt
the dait of thir presenttis and the aucht day of May nixt,
and failyeing yairof they sail be holdin to pey them againe.
[Court continued.]
[Court of the lands and barony of Forbes and Keig and
Auchindor, held in the house of William Grein in
Blackhillock, 30 March 1668. Bailie, etc., as above. Suits
called, etc.]
The said day James Wobster gav in ane bill againest
John Michell in Logey for blooding the said James Wobster
in Logey, and the said James Wobster producit ane lining
cloth of blood yairvpon; the said John Michell being acusit
yairvpon denyed the blooding of ye said James Wobster;
wpon the quhilk the said John Michell was content to refer
himselff to ane asyss. The names of the assysirys :—
James Davidson.
The haill assyss in the moueth of Patrick Jameson,
chancellar, convictis the said John Michell for blooding of
the said James Wobster. Thairfor the said bailzie ordaines
and decernes the said John Michell to pey the sowm of
tuentie poundes Scotis money to Wialliam master of Forbes
as ane blood weete, and fourtie shilling Scotis money
to the pairtie wronged, and to be peyit within term of law
wnder the paine of poynding.
The said day the said John Michell in Logey compeirit
and producit blood and cleirlie declared that James Smyth
in Logey did giv him the said blood, quhilk the said James
Patrick Jameson, chanceller.
Alexr. Michell.
James Bonnar.
John Jameson.
Arthur Michell.
Robert Anderson.
John Michell.

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