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[Court for the parishes of Forbes, Auchindore, Keime and Clatt,
holden in the great hall of Castell Forbes, 2 April 1667.
Bailie and court clerk as above, John Lang ground officer.
Suits called, etc.]
The said day thair was ane bill givein in be Bassie Murgan
in Edinbanchrie againest Patrick Mar thair, quhair shee
produced ane bloodie cloth and woundis vpon hir bodey
that ye said Patrick Mare did give hir; the said Patrick
Mare being acussit yairvpon did confess the blooding of the
said Bassie Murgane ; thairfor the bailyie forsaid ordaines
the said Patrick Mar to pey the sowm of tuentie poundis
to be peyit to ye master of Forbes his master within term
of law wnder the pain of poynding.
Lykwayes the bailyie forsaid ordaines the said Patrick
Mare to pey to the pairtie wronged for hir blood the sowm
of fyv poundis, to be peyit within term of law wnder the
paine of poynding.
The said day the said Bassie Murgane and Wialliam
Tailzour hir husband hes inactit themselff and found
Georg Michell in Edinbanchrie sovertie and cautione for
and with them, that the said Patrick Mar and his wyff,
bairnes, servantis, guidis and gear sail be harmles of them
either in bodey or meines, and sail not harm the said
Patrik Mar neither be day or be night in skoylding or any
kynd of wrong so far as they can stop or lett, wnder the
failyie of tuentie poundis to be peyit to yair master imme-
diatlie after the wrong be prowin.
Georg Mitchell. Alexr. Chalmer, N.P.
Lykwayes the said day the said Patrick Mar hes bund
and inactit himselff that the said Bassie Murgan and hir
said husband sail be skaithles and harmles of him, his
wyff, baimes, servantis in all tym cuming in yair persones,
servantis, guidis and geir sa far as they can stop or lett
either be night or be day, wnder the paine of ane hundreth
poundis to be peyit immediatlie after the wrong be prowin,
to be peyit to ye master of Forbes.
Alexr. Chalmer, N.P.

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