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Georg Mackie. John Burnett. James Duncan.
Wialliam Reid. Georg Burnet. John Norry.
Wialliam Black. Alexr. Cuik. Wialliam Vatson.
Wialliame Brabner, chanller.
The haill assys in ye mouth of ye said chandler does
convict the said James Crushank for blooding of ye said
Robert Vright.
The said day the bailzie ordaines and decernes the said
James Crukshank for blooding of ye said Robert Vright
to pey to Wialliam maister of Forbes his maister the
sowme of thritie poundes Scottis, to be peyit within terme
of law wnder the paine of poynding.
Lykwayes the bailzie ordaines ye said James Crushank
to pey to ye said Robert Wright for his hurt and harme
the soum of fyv poundes Scottis money, to be peyit within
terme of law wnder the paine of poynding.
The said day ye said James Crushank, Wialliam Black
in Cushny his cautioner for ye said James Crushank, hes
bund and obliiged yaim selffes, yair airis, executouris and
successoures, yat ye said Robert Wright sail be harmles
and skaithles in his body and wyff and barnes and servantes,
guides and geir quhatsumewir, yat he sail nether molest
or trowble him or his for saides either be night or day,
vnder the failzie of fyftie poundes Scottis money to be
peyed to yair maister, to be peyed within terme of law
wnder the paine of poynding; and I ye said James
Crushank obliiges me to skaithles keep my said cautioner
of ye haill paines abow written.
I ye forsaid Wialliam Black and James Crushank with
our handes led be ye notar vnder writtin. Ita est Alexr.
Chalmer notarius publicus, in fidem specialiter rogatus et
requisitus. Alexr. Chalmer, N.P.
Lykwayes ye said Robert Vright hes fund Wialliam
Wilson, burges in Frasserbrugh, yat ye said James Crushank
sail be harmles and skaithles of ye said Robert Vright
himselff, his vyff, bairnes and servantes, guides and geir,
vnder the paine of ye sowme of fyftie poundes Scottis
money, to be peyit within terme of law wnder the paine

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