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Patrik Gordon off Reny.
Adam Forbes, tutor of
William Brebner in
Thomas Roger in Bogy-
William Blak in Cushny.
Johne Glasse in Barflett.
Alexr. Smyth in Westhilles.
George Waker in Bogysyd.
George Mackey in Stone-
James Duncan in Persilew.
The said day the haill assyse forsaid by the mouth of the
said William Gordon ther chancellor Andes George Ander¬
son guylty of the said James Waker’s getting of the blood
notwithstanding of the provocatioune by the said James
to him, quhich is desyred to be considered be the said
baylie, he only stryveing to defend him selfe as is made
appeir by the forsaides witness ther depositiones, and
referres the modification thereof to the baylie.
The said day the baylie forsaid decemes and ordaines the
forsaid George Andersone to pay ten pundes Scots for the
blood to the maister of Forbes, and fyve pundes money
forsaid to the partie wronged, within terme of law under
paine of poynding.
The said day the forsaid George Anderson did give in a
bill upon the said Patrik Leith for beating and striking of
George Brebner his hird, the last harvest 1663 upon ane
Sonday efternoone, and stoped his mouth with sand, and
put his head under the water, as also that he promised to
oppresse and beat the said George his hirdes in tyme
comeing in such sort that he should not get a hird in tyme
comeing, quhilk the said Patrik Leith compeireing did
referre the samen to be prowen by witness, to witt William
Black in Cushny and James Taylour in Windseye, who
being admitted as witness by both the saides parties did
depon as followes, to witt the said William Black de¬
poned that the said Patrik Leith had confessed to him
that he had taken his plaid from George Anderson his
hird and putten him in the water, and putt sand in his
mouth. James Taylour deponed ut supra. Quharfor the
said baylie ordaines and decernes the said Patrik Leith to

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