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yat the said Alexr. Anderson sail keip himselff frie in doeing
ye said Alexr. Reid in Bankheid, his wyff, bairnes, ser¬
vants, guides and geir, any harme or skath or moles-
tatioun or any harme be him selff or his wyff or bairnes,
servantes in his nam in word, work or deid ; and the said
Alexr. Anderson obliges him to warrand his said eautioner
of the abowwrittin promiss.
The said day the haill tenenentis of Carndard and Ston-
dyk and the Maines [promise] yat they sail not incroch
vpon the boundes of ye towne and landes of Cushny
disigned to Wialliam Black be ye maister of Forbes,
laittle propit and marchit, wnder ye faillye of fourtie
shilling Scottis money ewry brak wnder the paine of
[Court continued.]
The Court1 off the landes off the barrounie and lord ship
off Forbes within the parrochin of Kearne and Clatt,
belongeing heretablie to William maister of Forbes,
hoi den within the great hall of Castle Forbes upon
the seveinteint day of August jm vjc'threescoir and
four zeires by the right honorable William maister
of Forbes, heretable proprietor of the landes and others
above writtin, and in name of Francis Gordone off
Crage, William Gordone of Tilliangus baylie, James
Thomson in Towy noter publict court clerk, Alexr.
Simmer officer, [iZcm/c] dempster. The suites law-
fullie called, the court fenced and affirmed as
The said day compleaned the said William maister of
Forbes upon Johne Glass, for causeing burneanemooreupon
the landes of Windisey, who compeired and denyed that
he had caused doe the same, but that one Robert Boock,
a servant of his that tyme, had done the samen without his
directioune, who also compeired and declared that James
Towie in Barflet had ordered him to burne that moor, who
1 The record of this Court is signed by the Court Clerk at the foot of each

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