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and knaiship and doe dutie yairto, wnder the paine and
failzie off four merkis for every load of dry comes yat
goes by in all tym coming, and this act to stand in all
tyme coming.
The said day compeared John Burnett and Georg
Burnett in Towie, and yer in face off court befor the
bailzie did inact yaimselves with consentt and assentt to
keepe good neighbourhood one with another and not harme
nor skaith other neyther bee themselves, yer wyves, baimes
and familie and servantis, goodis nor geir, and that wnder
the pain and failzie everie one of them off tuentie poundis
money of failzie to be peyed to the maister off fforbes bee
any of them or yem both wha sail bee found to contravein
this act toties quoties vithin tearme off lawe, wnder the pain
of poynding after the breach off this act.
The said day compeired John Mitchell in Balfour, John
Wecht ther, Thomas Layng yair, John Leith in Kirktoun
off fforbes, William Wedderburne in Bithnie, John Mureson
yair, James Warrack in Scotis milne, John Angus in Edin-
banchrie and Thomas Angus his sone, William Mitchell
yair, James Mitchell yair, Patrick Marr yair, William Marr
yair, James Smith in the Druminnour, Alexander Smith in
Westhillis, John Glasse in Balfour, Georg Mackie in Carn-
daird, John Mackie and James Mackie his sone in Bogisyd,
William Touch in Castlehill, John Smith yair, Alexander
Tailzour ther, James Duncan in Perselowe, John Smith in
Kirkstyll, Georg Burges zounger in Glentoune; and being
acused bee the bailzie for cutting off greene wood did con¬
fess yem selves guiltie; quherfor the bailzie did ordaine
ech and everie person abov named to pey the failzie and
penaltie acted and ordainit in former actis maid for cutting
off grein wood to be peyed to the maister off fforbes within
tearme off lawe, wnder the paine of poynding.
The court continued wpon 24 hores advertizment longer
or shorter if neid beis.
Arthour Dalgarno, Bailzie,
W, Dayipsone, n. p., court clerk.

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