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Balphour, William Layng yair, Thomas Layng yair, John
Leyth in Kirktoun of Forbes, William Shireff in Colhey,
John Glass in Barphlet, George Vilson in Castellhill,
John Smith yair, Patrik Marr in Edinbanchrie, William
Mar yair, William Mitchell yair, John Angus yair, William
Taillizour yair, ye haill foirsaid persones ar found guiltie
of cutteing of my lord his wodis, and ar vnder ane merci-
ment according to former actis.
The said day it is inacted and ordained that the haill
tenentis yat is not able to purge yam selwes in tymes
comeing quhen they shalbe requyred of ye maisteris vodis,
shall pey tuentie pound totiens cotiens.
James Reind his bill is continued to ye nixt court vpon
his probatione.
The said day it is inacted and ordained that ilk tenent
vithin ye landis and lordshipes of Forbes shall plant
tuentie peice of tumber in yair zardis befor ye last of
Mer., and yat vnder ye pain of ten markis, and quhat is
planted salbe preserved vnder ye said pennaltie.
The said day John Couper in Westhilles is inacted and
ordained to pey fortie shilling for his absence from the
The said day it is inacted that ye wholl tenentis and
croftis qha duellis about ye zardis of Druminour or about
the zardis of Puttachie shall keip ye saidis zardis in all
tymes comeing, and that vnder ye pain of ten markis
totiens cotiens.
Continues this court vpon 24 horis varneing.
Arthour Dalgarno, Bailzie.
J. Thomsone, court clerk.
[Court at Castell Forbes, 31 Oct. 1662, held by William master
of Forbes, Arthur Dillagamo in Blaimdiney his bailie, and
the others as above. Tenants ordained to pay arrears as
above: pounds for merks, 10 merks for each boll of meal
and £8 for each boll of malt.]
The haill tenentis, cotteris, croftis, girss men within ye
parochen of Kern quha cannot cleir them selves of ye

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