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every diocese, and a letter from Bishop Forbes, who was
then in Edinburgh. From the royal missive, it is learned
that, by reason of the troubles in France, ‘ a verie great
number of people professing our religioun have left thair
fortunes in that kingdome, and for thair saiftie have fled,
with thair wyffis, childrene, and famelies, into this, having
no other meanes of mantenance saiffeing the charitie of
weill disposed people.’ Moved by his ‘ royall commisera-
tioun,’ his Majesty had permitted a voluntary contribution
to be levied in England, ‘ from suche as out of thair
christiane charitie sal be disposed to contribute to thair
releiff ’ ; and, although ‘ not ignorant of the small store
of money presentlie ’ in Scotland, yet, in so pitiful a case,
he had yielded to the humble suit of the deputies of the
French Kirk, who had besought him that the voluntary
help of well-disposed Scots might also be craved and
collected. As the High Commission is usually associated
with acts of tyranny, it is all the more pleasant to find
that in this matter it was deeply moved by compassion:—
‘ Thair hath laitlie come hither ane of the chois ministers
of the Reformed Churche in France, who hath bene heir
before us, and declarit to us the lamentable estate of that
Churche, and withall schawed unto us ane ampill com-
missioun from the same, togidder with a warrant from
his Majestic to come into this realme, and to seik such
relief for the afflicted state of that Churche as may come
by the voluntarie contributioun of devott charitable
people; thairfor, we—having considderit that the pro-
fessioun of the Gospell there is in great danger evin to be
exterminat and rooted out of that most floreshing king-
dome, to the unspeakable hurt and detriment of the
whole Reformed Churche, whairof we are a pairt—have
thought good, as feilling memberis of one body with
thame, earnestlie to recommend thair present cace to all
weill affected professoris of religioun. And to the effect
that quhilk shuld be done heirin, may be performed with

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