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to ym upon the 5 of Octr being a meetteing appointed at
Lanark for choyceing of Comissionaires for the parlt.
This sub comitt£ mett at Lanarke upon ye 28 of yis Sept. 28.
Efter reviseing of my compts, and takeing the oath of
my servants toucheing what lead oare I had caried this
yeere, they called upon my selfe and desyred me to
rebait als much of everie article of my depursements as
well I might, so to this purpose it behoved me to wrytte
the summes of everie article over againe in ane uther
columne, bot when wee came to ye article of the worke- 47.]
mens wages extending to £6000 (because I would not
rebait anything yrof) it was forgott at first to be written
doune in ye new margine, wch made me to be a benefiter,
wch I would not condescend to, and so keeped us in debate
be ye space of tuo houres, bot besydes that mistake they
posed me what lead oare I had above ground wch I
knowing myselfe be my compts to be farre superexpended
and remembering that they had refused to allow super-
expences, and yrfor thinkeing ye more leadoare I declared
to be aboveground it would be the better for me the nixt
yeere, whereupon I declared that I thoght yr was not
above fyfeteine yett I should admitte yr wer 25000 stonne ;
wch togither w* ye former omissione, and some articles of
my compt wch they refused altogither to allow (as ye
pryce of my worke lowmes from Holland and ensurance ]
mony because I would not positivelie declare I had payed
any) made me to be a benefiter by varie neere als much
as y* article omitted, for I had forecast things so before¬
hand y* I might runne neere, bot could not at first con-
ceave where ye errour was, whereupon they would have
had me to pay according to 3000lb wch I absolutelie refused,
bot finding yt they went varie strictlie and narrowlie about [/^ so.]
the tryell of my compts, I said yt thogh I be confident if
my compts be rightlie calculat I shall be found to be no
benefiter this yeere, yett to be free of trouble and that
both the shyre and I might be at a certaintie, I would be
content to give them tuentie peices by yeere, wch they said
they had no poure to accept of, bot would report it to ye

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