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and you say a 3rd at Morven besydes the Bishopricke, and
therfor I leav it whollie to your Lo/ consideratione if you
please to advise with my Lord primat in itt. I desir not
to appear further in that particular. Since I cam heer I
hav gott out our former Rector 1 of this Colledge, and
hav setled the Dean of Glasgow in his place. I hope the
storm is now over, and that we shall liv in mor quyet for
som tym to come. I need not use many arguments to
recommend any of my concerns to your Lo/ since you ar
mor zealous for my interest then I am my selfe, and I am
sure I shall never be forgetfull of your kyndnes, bot on
all occasions shall giv testimony of my sincerity and
forwardnes to advance what may contribut for your
advantage. The sincer respects and humble duty are
tendered to your good Lady and Daughters of him who is,
My Lord, Your Lo/ most affectionat Brother and Servant,
Arth: Glascuen.
These are for the right reverend father in God my
Lord the Bishop of Galloway.
From Hector Maclean, the Bishop of Argyll, to
the Bishop of Galloway
Glas., Apryll 7, 1682.
My Lord,—Mr. Fullerton hes given me ane order from
the Counsall to administrat the test to him, and to recom¬
mend him to his patron for a presentation. I am soe farr
from the law, that I am ignorant of all that I may doe
in this case, but I resolve to obey what the Counsall hes
enjoined. But whither he may immediatlie enter to his
charge or preach without a further licence from me and
befor a new presentation, or whither another presented
by yor lop. will be preferable to him, I entreat yor lop.
1 Dr. Matthew Brisbane was rector of the University in 1681, and was suc¬
ceeded on ist March 1682 by Robert Douglas, Dean of Glasgow.—Aften, Univ.
Glas., vol Hi. pp. 326-7.

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