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haveing killd his lieutennant and wounded severalls of his
men. She is a priviteer of eight gunns sixty two men,
nothing else on board but some few provisiones and two
ransomers, one for the Dubline packet boat and the other
for a Grinock barck. Haveing come in here this day with
the prize and prisioners, I have sent this expresse to your
Lops, to know what further is to be done with the prize
and prisoners. If they are to be sent to Glasgow they can
be securely sent thaire by the men I have on board, I mean
the prisoners. There is a necessity for haleing my shippe
ashoar to be cleand, but shall make all the dispatch I can
to be reddy to waite yor Lops, orders. I am at a consider¬
able charge in mantaining the prisoners, which I perswade
my self yor Lops, will have regaurd to. .1 am, May it
please yo Lops., Your Lops, most humble and most
obedient servant, Matthew Campbell.
Grinock Road, On board the ‘ Dumbartowne,’
2Sth May 1705.
My Lord,—I am commanded by her Maty, to acquent
your Lop., that there has been a petition presented to her
by some of ye oweners of Greens ship creaveing that a
commission may be granted from Scotland for examining
some people concerning Cap. Drummond and his crew,
from wch they hope to convince her Maty, and ye govern¬
ment there, that Drummond was not murdered by Green
and his crew or pirated, and soe hope to lay the heat that
has been against them, and preserve if possible the lives
of those who have been condemned and not yet executed.
I told her Maty, that your Lop. had wrote that ye Councell
had already given orders for such a commission, which she
was pleased with, and hope the same is already dispatched.
In the mean time it is her Matys. pleasure that a further
reprive be granted to those condemned then the days to
which they stand reprived, and doubts not but ye Councell
will readyly comply therin, and she depends much on
your Lops, prudent conduct for effectuating the same.
There is also ane affidavit concerning ye curing of the man

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