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Dunbar of Durn, who refers in next letter to the effect of that tax
on himself and his family, had on 29th January that year been
made a baronet, no doubt through the influence of his son-in-law.
thes to be comunicatt to the vither commissionars att Cullen
Burn, the 292 off Novr i698.
My Lord,—Upon yr ffirst day apointed ffor all pollabill
persons to compeere and give vp themselves to yr Lo.
and the vither commissionars, I vas in Murray in the
parischin off Dyk, qr I heave som interest according to
my valuatione in that shyre and parishes ; and I corn-
peered beeffoir the commissionars, and yr gave vpe myself
ffor my interest in this shyre off Bamff and Murray in the
highest capacitie anie gentillman is pollabille, ffor an
thousand prids waluatione for Murray and Bamff shyres,
so that I heave givein yr Lo. this accompt nou att yr
second dyet, and desayres yr Lo. may cauis so to record
it, that I may not bee rekned as thes yt neglects to give
obedianse to the act off Parliment; and as ffor my son
James, he is so unveill off an boyll yt he is not cable to
ryde or go the lenth off Cullen ffor attending yr meetting,
tho he ver pollabille conforme to the act of Parliment as
he is not; ffor he is in no valuatione off rent, bot my self
in all wee heave, and ffor an stok off ffree munnie he hes
none, and onlie hes som moveabills vpon an possessione
qik I heave sett him, qrin he is not layable ffor poill; and
my son William is in familia, and hes no stok as yit, not
heaving goit his patrimonie as yit ffrom mee. This I
thought flit to acquant yr Lo. and the vither commis-
tionars off ffor yr infformatione and my excuise, and is all
att present ffrom Yr Los affectionat ffreind and servant,
Wil. Dunbar.
My Lord,—Though my Lady hes writt to yor Lop this
night, I hope yor Lop. will pardon me to acquaint you
that his Maty is arrived in England this day about ten
acloack at Saint Margarets. He lyes at Canterburrie, and

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