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FFINDLATER Cullen, Banff 6d.
Edr., ii May 1696.
My Lord,—Whither what I wrott last to your Lop.
hold true or not I cannot tell, for this tuo post ther came
no letters anent it or other matters from the Secretarys,
for they are attending the King at the port, who went
aboard but came ashoar againe by reason of crosse wind.
The ffrench King hes published a manifesto in his owne
vindica°n anent any knowledge of or accession to the
assasina°n agt King Wm, and offering as great a reward
as our King hes done for apprehending these contained
in our Kings proclama°ns. Ther is no word of the Tholoun
fleit since they wer at Allicant. The armies are draweing
to the feilds, and its said the Confederats will begine the
campaigne with some considerable seidge. King James
and the transport ships designed for the invasion are off
the coasts. Our Privie Councill did litle expecteing
chainges, ordered the citing in the heads of the Highland
clans to find caution, the chairging colectors of pole to
pay in ther money, Shirriffs to make reports anent seazing
horse and armes, and did liberat allmost all states prisoners.
The laird of Lagg is to be indyted for clipping and
coyning, but its thought will come off.
I exp'ect my Lady draught for 1000 fib. or 2000 mks
which will be answered. I pray for the welfare of your
Lop. and familie, and ame, My Lord, Your Lops, most
humble and obedent servant, Jo. Anderson.
Whytehall, 2d May 1696.
My Lord,—I ame unwilling to trouble your Lope., bot
when something occurrs wourthie of your nottice. The
Secretary (blissed be God) keepes his health verie well.
He hes gotten his Maties comands to goe into Scotland,
and I think he will depart from this within a fourtnight
or tuentie dayes, and be with your Lope, in 5 or 6 weekes
yrafter. My Lord Murray goes to the Bath in a day or
tuo, and intends to stay 5 or 6 weekes yr, and shortly after

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