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is lykewayes at Kailes with fyftein thousand men readie
to come over to invaide this dominion, but Vintenberge
hes the lyke number readie to come over from Flanders
to meitt him. Its thought many of our enemies are in
our bosum. Ther is 29 of the traitors apprehended. The
King hes ane list of 400 who are concerned in it. I
hope, now that his sacred persone is saife, wee neid not
so much fear the invasione ; bot both wer designed to
have bein about on and the same tyme; bot everie
thing hes happened as God would have it, for the wind
did not offer faire for them to come over, nor for 40
saile of our fleit was ordored to goe to Cades, and now
they stay at home for our saifety. The Duke of
Berwick and Earle of Midletoune are come to London
upon this designe ; and ther is ane procla°ne ishowed
fourth for apprehending them, and ane soume of money
puitt upon ther heads. Its sayed the Duke escaped only
by halfe ane quarter of one houre. Both Houses of Parliat
have bein with his Matje this night, and have declaired
that they will mantain and assist his Matje and governe-
ment with ther lifes and fortunes. I shall trouble yow
no furder at present, being in haist and the post goeing
offe, bot give my srvice to all freinds.—I ame, Gentlemen,
Your most aff. comorad to srve yow q111 ame,
J. B.
ffor Andrew Craick and John Andersone Wfyrs in Edr.
I shall ansre your tuo tres tomorowes post.
Last Feb. 96.
My Lord,—I hade a lyn from my maister the last post,
wherby I vnderstand that he is fixed in his post as conjunct
Secretarie, and enters to officiat on Monday next. He hes
wreit severall instructiones to me, which at my north-
comeing shall be impairted to your Lop. I wait for more,
and then intends to be shortly north. What comands
your Lop. hes for me at this place let me be honored with

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