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receive a more peremptorie charge, which will not be so
satisficing either to you or to, Sr, Your most humble
servant, Ja. Steuart.
This letter being sent to all the Shirriffs of Scotland,
pray faill not to send a recept yrof by the bearer.
For SIR JAMES OGILVIE of that Ilk,
ther Majesties Solicitor Culen
Edr., 4 May 1694.
Right Honbll,—I ame necesitat to send posts expresse
throwe all the kingdome with the proclama°ns for the
fast, and with my Lord Advocats letters to all the Shirriffs,
for causeing send up the deficients of the levie, for they
have bein in some places verie defective, and are readie
to shift the blame off themselwes and to pretend short
advertisement. The Councill is no we adjourned till the
4th of June nixt; and befor they rose (besids what I
gave ane account of by the last post), they allowed
Garletoun confinement to his house and tuo myles about
it, and Mr. Thomas Gordon libertie of the toun of Abdn,
and tuo myles about it. Lord John Hamiltouns com¬
mission as Generali of the Mint wes read, and my Lord
Carmichael appoynted to tender him the oathes. The
laird of Leys appoynted to tender the oaths to the Earle
of Strathmore as Sreff of fforfar. Skiper Osburne, who
hade bein at Dunkirk and wes sett a shoar by Dunbar,
eftr being examined by my Lord Advocat wes com¬
mitted to prison. Bill and answers read anent valua°n
of fforfar shyre, and a stop putt to the valua°n.
The laird of Kinnmond appoynted to be cited for some
insolences committed be him relateing to the publict.
A bill for a manufactory for dressing of laether read,
and the skinners answers therto and parties heard, and
the manufactorie approven of. The Lady Milnmark and
her husband wer aggreed by the committie. Ane allow¬
ance of a thousand pound given to Sir Ja. Ramsay who
is in great distresse. A bill anent the kirk session bookes
of Stirlin appoynted to be sein and answered. The
Thesaurie satt also, and called at me for ane account of

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