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morning Mr. John Guthrie slter wes secured till he wes
examined anent some things contained in a ler wreitten
to him by Sir Aineas M^herson,1 and his papers wer
searched, and having cleared himself wes dismist upon
bale. The Secretary is this morning gone for Carmichaell,
wher he stayes till the nixt post lers come to hands, which
will determine him anent his goeing off or returning here.
Ere he went off he receaved such papers anent Mr. Peyne
and Duke Gordon 2 as he called for, which wer in my
custodie. Receave the inclosed for newes from, Right
Honil, Your most humble servant,
Jo. Anderson.
Next letter on the settlement of the Church of Scotland in the
north-east of Scotland is most probably to Mr. James Steuart
younger of Coltness, Lord Advocate.
Cullen, Julie 19, 1693.
My Lord,—Nou when I am deprived of your Lo.
companie, I most intreat when you have leasure that you
will alou me the satisfaction of hearing from you. I
find this countrey verie peaceable ; bot almost the whol
Episcopel clergie have refuised the oths, bot most of
them continou to preatch in ther churchis. They are
desirus to know if they can doe this safely. I told them
I thought they could not, seing the certification is depriva¬
tion ; and likwayes by the act all preatchers are ordained
to take the oths. I desire your Lo. may let me know
what measurs the Councel will probablie take with them.
Ther are some would yet comply, if they wer sure to keep
ther churches. If your Lo. have any service for me in
this place, putt your commands onn me, and they shal
be punctualie obeyed by, My Lord, Your Lo. most obleidged
and most humble servant, Ja. Ogilvie.
I long to hear if ther be returns from the King from
1 Sheriff Court Records of Aberdeen, New Spalding Club, vol. iii. pp. 104,105.
2 The Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol. ix. p. 323, and App.,
pp. 92 and 93.

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