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still hopeing to be in. It is thought by some that their
will be some alterationes when the King returnes. This is
hoped and feared by different pairties. On Monday last
Breadalbin and Tarbet went for London. The reason of
their so sudden departure was that their came a letter
to the Chancelour that post, which he was to intimate to
the councellours, commanding them not to leave Scotland
without the Kings particular warrand. Cullodin went to
courte with Secretarie Johnstoune. Polwart is to take
journey presentlie for courte. The behawiour of some
folks here, when the invasione was feared, is thought
will be the subject of informatione against them at courte.
What the ewent therof will be, I can not prognosticate by
this letter, but I hope againe wee meet some things will
be plaine, which are now mysteries to us. Give my humble
service to your Lady and to my Lord your father (tho I
have not the honour of their acquaintance); and doe me
the justice as to reckon me, Sir, Your obleidged and
obedient servant, Will. Hamilton.
Edr., Septer 23, 1692.
James Cock, Town Clerk of Banff and County Collector, gives
Sir James Ogilvie an account of the results of the first essay in
Jacobite intrigue of James Ogilvie Younger of Boyn.
Banff, 3 October 92.
Right Honll,—There is ane great pairtie come heir
yeasternight off Collonell Buchans regiement, consisteing
of ane captaine lyvetenent ensigne seall subalterns
cadies and 60 sentinells, who have something in hand
besyde the cess, there being noe more resteing but
this last Lambas terme, being 2875 tbs. 10s; and
it wes never heard in this shyre that ane pairtie wes
soe soone emitted, there being noe preceidings resteing.
The captaine off the pairtie went out this night, by wirtue
of ane warrand ffrom the Councill, with 24 men to appre¬
hend youer ffrend young Boyne ; but I presume unles he

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