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Lord being in his north goeing at Forvie was by ane partie
of the Hilanders caried to there camp, qhare he stayed
hardlie halfe one day, and thereafter at Aberdein by
Jacksone was detained upon inconciderat expressiones, as
Jacksone alleadged and my Lord Bamff still deneyed;
and I belive all proceed from my Lord Bamff his being in
drink as I uas credablie informed, I have wreaton to the
Veicecount of Arbuthnot to represent the caise to the
Earle of Crauford, and deall with his Lo. that I may be
aloued the comon course of justice, and I intreat, Sir, ye
may be pleased to goe withe the Veicecountt to the Earle
of Crauford and speack with him, and if that faill then
by ane bill represent the mater to the Lordse of the Ex¬
chequer. I am hopefull the Veicecount will prevaill with
the Earle of Crauford; for qtt:ever expenses or deficulties
I am putt to, all will returne upon the Master of Bamff
for reliefe out of the fie ; and concidering Arbuthnot his
relation to the Master, I believ he will doe all he can to
prevent his harme, concidering the estate is brought werie
lou; and if there be ane stop upon the disposition, it
being butt a corroborative right of the adjudecationes,
I shall infeeft myselfe upon them, butt I desyre not to
accumulat expenses, and I am still, Sir, Your humble
servant, Alexr Ogilvie.
Colonel Jackson was driven into Aberdeen in July l6‘90 by
Colonels Cannon and Buchan. Robert second Viscount of Arbuth-
nott married, c. March 1058, Lady Elizabeth Keith second daughter
of William seventh Earl Marischal. Their grandson Robert was
the Viscount Arbuthnott of the letter. The Master of Banff’s
mother was Jean third daughter of the seventh Earl Marischal.
The 28th of Jully, -69i.
Dear Son,—Heaveing the occasion of Master Baird
I wold not butt acquent you that your Lady and son are
verie weall. Your sister Anna is at Pitterhead . . . well.

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