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give your La. ane accompt of.—So shal only add that I am,
Madam, Your La. most obedient son and most humble
servant, Ja. Ogilvie.
I give my humble service to all my brothers and sisters.
In the following letter we get a glimpse of the ways and means
of upholding the post in Scotland.
Banff, Nor. 27, 86.
My Lord,—I had the honour off yours this morning.
My wyff and I are weill, and att your Los serwice; and
both off us are oblidged to wish all health to your Lop
and prosperitie to your ffamilie. Immediatlie efter
receipt off yours I sent to inhibite James Gordon from
goeing to Cullen till Tuesday nixt as your LoP desyres.
Ther are nott any news come to this place by our last post,
the postmaster Mr. Mill being gone to Edr., bot I suppose
by the nixt wee may have some. James Baird wreits
to me that Lady Ann is not yet com ower ffrom the
North Queens, and that hir child is not as yet christened.
Our post is now lyk to decay and will not goe to Abd.
againe bot once, till he againe be reestablished. I wold
be glad to hawe your Los opinione in this, or iff you be
content to contribute ffor another yeir. Boynd befor
he went away told me he wold contribute, and wold hawe
it to continow. Iff ther be any difficultie it will be by
this toun, who scruples a little, yet I apprehend they
will be perswaded to continow as formerly. Sir George
Mackenzie hes putt on the goun againe as ane ordinary
adwocat. I will wait on your LoP once the nixt week.
Till then and all ways I am bound to be, My Lord, Your
Los wery faithfull and oblidged servant.
Geo. Leslye.
In 1685 London, notwithstanding the King’s wish, had cele¬
brated the anniversary of the Gunpowder Plot on the 5th of

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