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prescence att Banff on Monday nixt to concur with the
rest of the comissioneres of the shire, who are to meett
heir on Monday nixt be ten acklock, off which meetting
the Shireff1 hes given Duke Gordon advertisment pr expres,
and is to send over all their names yt does not meett to
the Counsell.
My Lord,—Yesterday I receavd the favor off a letter
from yr Lo. I designd befor that, as now I doe, to give
yr Lo. acount that the Cuncell has been plesd to ordder
that I shuld assemble the heretors off Banffshyr, and com¬
mand them when itt shuld bee orderd to march. I have
apointed a randevus at Huntly Tuesday nixt, wher 111 ex¬
pect the honnor off yr Lo. company. Yr Lo. would dooe
weell to thinck agan that tim, off whom yr Lo. will mack
use for commanding a trupp off wh yr Lo. is to bee capptan.
I humbley kiss my Laddy Findlaterrs hands, and I am,
Yo. Lo. humble servant, Gordon.
20 May 85.
Yr Lo. will dooe me a pleseur to lett me have the use off
the prospeck I gave yr Lo. to trey an experiment.
Banff, 20 May 85.
My Lord,—Being hurried with tyme I cannot so ffullie
wreit to yow as I wold; but ffinding youer Lo. bearer hear,
I could not omitt to let yow know, that just now I received
ane ler ffrom Burdsbank, who desyres me to tell youer
Lo. that my Lord Deskffoord is werie weill in health, and
Burdsbank desyres to be excused that he has not written
to youer Lo. He wreits there past 5 acts in Parliament
the oyr day, 1, that all Protestants are oblidged to take
the test; 2, is ane act ffor eight moneth cess yearlie dure-
ing the Kings lyffe tyme, qch is 3 moneth yearlie by what
is alradie imposed ; 3, act anent perscriptiones ; 4, anent
1 Sir James Baird of Auchmedden.

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