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Stirling of Ardoch dyd 19 febr; Powhouse Rollo his Lady 22
febr; John Paton of Cowdon dyd 4 martch ; King V111 dyed 8
Clackm Trows [sic] blue down 25 martch; Jon Horn in
menstrie dyd 26 martch; Mr. McGill my son Jons mr. dyd at
Er 2 Apr; Sr John Shaw of Greenock dyd at Edr sudenly ye of
Aprill; a daughter of my Lord Elphinston dyd 28 Apr; Marie
don my cussing dyd 25 Apr; The Countess of Kincardin1 dyd 28
Apr; Patrick Arthur in Alio way dyd 30 Apr; Geo Couston in
feritown dyd 21 may ; Kathrin Vright mr. Rot daughter dyd
30 May; Mr. Jo11 Forrester minister at Sterling dyd 5 June;
Epe Chryste at parkmiln dyd 1 July ; my daughter Kathrin
was delivered of hir 2d son who dyd imediatly at ye birth the
12 July; The Viscount of Strathallan2 dyed at Edr ye 19 July;
The Laird of Touch 3 dyd 23 July; the Lady murraye dyd 29
July; Vm Caddel in dumblane dyd 2 Ag; Ro1 melin in sawchie
age 96 dyd 9 Ag ; Ms. finlason in Alloway dyd 12 Sepr; Richie
Hegs young sone dyed 17 Octr; Ensinge Trayls wife dyed 19
Octor; James Cromee skipper at Craigward died suddenly in ye
night the 2 novr; Old John main aged 98 in Cambuss dyd 3
Capt John Bell who was in france w1 King James in his
return to Scotland for his health dyed in Holand in novr;
Lady Kersie dyed at Edr ye 8 decer and was buried in Alloway
11 decer; Ro4 Ferguson’s son Charles dyed 11 der. The Bear
betwixt mrt and Candle® betwixt 9 and 10 mrk; The meal 10
mrk and 7 lib pease and beans 7 lib.
1703. The Earle of Eglinton4 dyd in Engl. Jar. Old Jon Ander¬
son in blackgrange dyed 27 Jar; Jonet melvin dyd 11 febr; Clerk
Gray daughter 26 febr; Sr John Erskine of Bagonie5 dyd at Edr
martch; Fr. Craich brother dyed 4 Apr; Jon Fergus in Res-
1 Veronica Van Arsan, daughter of ‘ Corneille Van Somelsdyk, Lord of
Somelsdyk,’ wife of Alexander Bruce, second Earl of Kincardine, died 28th
April 1701, aged sixty-eight.—The Bruces and the Cumyns.
2 William, Viscount Strathallan.
3 James Seton of Touch and Tillibody.
4 Alexander, eighth Earl of Eglinton, died at London 1701, and Alexander,
ninth earl, died March 1729.—Fraser’s Montgomeries Earls of Eglinton.
5 Balgownie.

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