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"'IQ. Mr. Geo. Arskine, only brother to Ch. E. mar, dyed in
ye north, and was hurried at Alloa 6 July.
’77. I built Alio way miln that summer ; Cap1 Ro1 Bruce of
Voodsyd was killd in Flanders; Androw Horn dyd.
’78. I was married to Chr. Keirie, eldest dochter to gogar,
the 13 Jarii; she bore marie, hir first child, 16 Novr.
The Highland road to the west;1 Grange mastertone dyd.2
’79. Bothwel Bridge rebellion of ye whigs and defeat,
2 June ;3 my dochter Kathrin born 26 novr; Sharp, Arch¬
bishop of St. Andrew, murther, 29 may.4
1680. I returned to Parkmiln ; my brother Geo. and my
mother went to Feritown ; Earl of Kincarne5 and my lord
Bruce dyed.
’81. My 3d docter, Christian, born 14 Jar.; Geo. meldrum,
Laird of Tillibody,6 dyed may; Duke Rothess dyed Julij ;7 Jo11
Allan, wright, dyd der.
’82. My 3d dochter, Christian, dyed 28 novr; Charles, my
first son, born 1 Ag.; we built our house and office houses and
ye yaird; Duke Lawderdale dyd novr, in Engl. ;8 my sister
Jean dyd Oct. 82.
1 This is no doubt a reference to the making or altering of the main road to
the west past Parkmill.
2 On 2d December 1654 John Masterton of Easter Grange, for sums of
money paid to him and his creditors by Adam Masterton, his eldest lawful son,
infeft the latter in his lands of Easter Grange, in the parish of Culross.—Perth
Sasines, series 4, vol. ii. folio 216. In 1662 John Masterton was served heir
to his father Adam in these lands. In 1673 an Adam Masterton of Grange
registered arms. Stodart identifies him with an Adam Masterton of Grange
who, in 1690, appears as tutor of John Philip, nephew and heir of Mr. John
Philip, minister of Queensferry. A Masterton of Grange being here noted as
dying at an intermediate date—1678—it appears that there were two Adams.
The death of the second is noted below, January 1695.
3 22d June 1679.
4 3d May.—Hill Burton, etc.
5 Alexander Bruce, second Earl of Kincardine, died 9th July 1680.
6 George Abercromby of Skeith, ‘as is recorded, purchased the property
(Tillibody), March 26th, 1655, from Robert Meldrum, a cadet of the house of
Seggie.’—Crawford’s Memorials of Alloa. See below (1699) Alexander Keir
©f Tullibody and Laird of Tillibody.
7 John, Duke of Rothes, died 27th July 1681.
8 John, Duke of Lauderdale, died 24th August 1682, in his sixty-seventh year.
—Douglas’s and Foster’s Peerages.

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