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sister;1 on wedensday I preacht there on psa. 56, 10 ; as also
on the next Sunday lectured on John 5, and preacht on vs 28,
29 of that chaptar. moonday 24th we came to Glasgaw, and
next day to sauchy, my wifs brothers house; on Thursday
theraftar we went to Camswallace, and on fryday to Coldoch,
two gentlemens houses in menteith, marryed to two sisters of
my wifes,2 and on saturnday we returned to sauchy.
Sunday, 30th.—We were att the church of s* ninians, where
I lectured on John 5, and preacht on prov. 14, 14. moonday
next I went to Tillyallan.
Aug. 2.—Being Wedensday I preacht att Tillyallan on
luke 12, 1. Thursday I went to alio way to visit my old flock
now again happily planted with another minister Mr. John
Logan, transported from Killmadock to them, where I mett
with my people in much love, joy, and sorrow att once ; that
night I lodged att the laird of Tillybodys3 house, and next
day being fryday I preacht att alloway on coll. 3, 11. that
night I went to Logie to visit Mr. Dowglass minister there,
and returned on saturnday to Tillybodv, and on Sunday aug.
6th in ye aftarnoon, I preacht att alloway on psa. 48, 3.
moonday we returned to Tillyallan, on Twesday I made some
visits att salin, Tillycutry, and ava, and came back att night
to Tillyallan, where next day I preacht again on heb. 3, 14.
aug. 10th being Thursday we went from Tillyallan to
Monquany,4 my uncles house, Sunday aftarnoon I preacht att
1 In Macvean’s Collection of Epitaphs, Glasgow, 1834, the following inscription
on a tombstone in Kilwinning churchyard appears:—‘ Here lyes the corps of
John Cunningham, son to Gabriel Cunningham and Janet Glass, who died
January 15th, 1712, aged 19 years; also their daughter Marie, who died June
15th, aged 6 years.’ These were probably the children of Mrs. Turnbull’s sister.
Her husband may have been a son of Gabriel Cunningham, the minister of
Dunlop, a noted Covenanter, and a great sufferer during the persecution, who
took the chair and preached at the opening of the first General Assembly after
the Revolution, in October 1690.
4 See notes, pp. 381 and 384.
3 Alexander Abercromby, advocate, second son of Sir Alexander Abercromby,
Bart., of Birkenbog, and grandfather of the illustrious Lieut.-General Sir Ralph
4 Mountquhany originally formed a part of the estates of the earldom of Fife, and
was given by Duncan, the last earl of the line of Macduff, to Michael Balfour,
his relation, in exchange for the lands of Pittencrieff; a transaction which was

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