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Whitehall,1 25 Jan™ 1671.
May it please yor Grace,—Upon the news of the death of
the late Lord Bishop of Rosse,2 the King comanded a conge
d’elire to be sent to the Dean and Chapter therof in order to a
new election, and was pleased therwith to send his letter to
name and recomend unto them the present Lord Bishop of
Edenburgh3 to be by them elected as their Bishop. And
upon occasion of this vacancy of the Bishoprick of Edenburgh
his Majtie is pleased to name the present Lord Bishop of Gal¬
loway4 to that See, in order to whose election he has also sent
a conge d’elire and recomendation to the DeaiCand Chapter of
Edenburgh,5 all being under his Majtie’s Royall hand and Signet
and upon returne of the certificates of the elections the man¬
dates from his Majtie for the translations shal be sent to your
Gr. from, my Lord, Your Grace’s most humble servant,
1 This letter is in the hand of a secretary, and is signed by Lauderdale.
2 John Paterson appointed Bishop of Ross, 18 Jan. 1662 (Keith’s Catalogue of
Scottish Bishops, p. 203, Russell’s edition).
8 Alexander Young, Bishop of Edinburgh 1671-1679, translated to Ross
(1679) ‘by the powerful interest of the Duchess of Lauderdale,’ ‘to make room
for him that succeeded him ’ (Keith, ut sup., p. 64).
4 John Paterson, who through the influence of Lauderdale was advanced from
the Deanery of Edinburgh to the Bishopric of Galloway (1674), and translated
to Edinburgh (1679). He was advanced to the Archbishopric of Glasgow (1687),
and died in 1708 (Keith, ut sup., pp. 64, 270, 282).
5 The instrument erecting the See of Edinburgh and determining the constitu¬
tion of the Chapter (29th Sept. 1633) was published by Keith {Catalogue of Scot¬
tish Bishops, pp. 44-60), but I cannot remember that any specimen of a Conge
cfilire of the reign of Charles 11. addressed to a Scottish Chapter is in print;
and I accordingly transcribe the following.—
Charles R.
Carolus Secundus Dei Gratia Scotise, Anglise, Francias, et Hiberniae Rex,
fidei Defensor etc. : Dilectis nostris in Christo Decano et Capitulo Eccleske
Cathedralis Edinburgensis Salutem. Nobis humiliter est supplicatum, ut cum
Ecclesia prsedicta per mortem naturalem ultimi Episcopi jam vacet et Pastoris
Solatio sit destituta, alium vobfs Episcopum et pastorem Eligendi Licentiam
nostram vobis concedere dignaremur. Nos animum ad Supplicationem istam
favorabiliter inclinantes alium vobis duximus concedendum, Rogantes ac in fide

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