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tyme of our meiting, and sail delyver tham than and no soner,
except your lordschip in your nixt gif me warrand vtherwais,
and than I sail obey.
And as tuiching your lordschipis ansueris to my douttis,
your lordschip takis it as if I had gevin way to all theis
demandis of Brochtounis. But it is vtherwais. For in the
extensioun of the contract thingis vncleir wes to be made cleir,
vtherwais thair neidit no extensioun. And thairfoir, becaus
Brochtoun, being present, affirmit that so and so it wes com-
monit,1 I did not assert to him, but left ane blank to be fillit
efter your lordschipis ansuer, and sua the first done anent the
passing of the infeftments is to be fillit vpon Brochtouns
chargis. Nixt, the entrie (if no vther thing wes commonit),
man be at his age of xxi yeris compleit, quhilk is affirmit to
be in October nixt; and so he will haif rycht to the half
fermes and dewties, 1627, becaus he is maior befoir Mertimes.
But I intend to draw his entrie to the crop 1628, becaus
apperandlie it wilbe Mertimes befoir the contract be subscryvit
and the writtis interchangit, and so that terme wilbe run.
3. The blank anent the payment of the thrie thousand merks
is be the minut appointed to be at the fulfilling of his part off
the contract, quhilk he will offer to fulfill befoir Mertemes,
and so be apperance, Mertemes will be the terme. But if I
can I sail draw it to be Witsonday nixt. 4. The band of
fyve thousand merks for the Birchogis is alternatiue, ather to
pay or releive. 5. The band of Im merks for his mothers
lyfrent is directlie aggreable to the minut, and I wuld not be
misled for want of the minut quhilk wes in my handis, and
quhairvpon I causit draw vp the extendit contract. For
quhair your lordschipis articles beris that your band of Im
merks sould expyre quhen ather his mother renuncis hir lyfrent
or departis this lyf thair is no sik claus in the minut, but your
lordschip is bund to disburdene him of his mothers lyfrent, and
to that effect to pay to him ane yeirlie annuitie of Im merks,
quhilk is ane express oblischement to pay, and not to releiff
a daughter of his having been married to one of the lairds of that estate; to which
of them, however, is uncertain.—Scott’s Fasti.
1 Agreed upon.

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