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the stranger I sent to him from Lugo, if what we hear be true,
I fear there is little good to be expected at present from that
branch of our hopes. In the meantime I am endeavouring
to discover the sentimens of your northern Landlord, of
wch you shall be informed when I am it myself. I dare say
the good will is not wanting, but which way it can be applyd
in our favour is the question. D. of Mar is still at Geneva and
has not as yet so much as leave to go to the waters, which his
health very much requires. I cannot think it possible but that
he will be at least allowd to return to me, and till I see more
clearly in to the contrary I shall not torment myself about it.
In the meantime I shall be my own Secretary for which I am
not like to stand in need of much help, not at this time that
our affairs are in a manner all at a stand. Tho’ I had nothing
now to mention to your Card1 I have writt to him to keep up
that correspondence from this Country. I have nothing now
to tell you, but that the Queen and I are, thank God, very
well, and still resolvd to go to Rome the beginning of next
month, and when we come there I ’1 send you her picture which
you will not I believe be sorry to have. I expect Card.
Gualterio here in a few days, who is a worthy honest man, as
you know, and a true friend to us. I am very impatient to
have a return from Spain on the Memoire about mony, for we
are almost quite aground at present. As occasion offers you
will do well to press the Card1 on that head. D n informs
you I suppose about Brig. Campbel, if he has not sent him to
you. It is pitty so many zealous people should be at present
useless, but I see no remedy nor any other party they have to
take but to return and wait in Spain for a more favorable
opportunity. I write to this effect to D n, who has not
yet received the new Cypher, so that till I know ’tis safe in
Engld and with him it is in vain to make use of it. I have
nothing at present to add but that my kindness and best wishes
neither don or ever will fail you.
Postscript. —I keep your letter to D. Mar till we meet to give
it him myself, but have taken care he should not be ignorant
of your kind sentiments towards him.

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