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Murray, sir William, of Tullibardine,
‘ comptrollar ’ to queen Mary, 205 «.
Musotti, M., secretary to the cardinal
of Lorraine, 196, 197, 199, 200, 224,
225 ; bearer of the marriage dispensa¬
tion, Ixxx.
Nadal, father Jerome, 129, 139;
his commendation of de Gouda, 152,
155; visitations of, 510; letter to,
from Polanco, 235, 239.
Naples, cardinal of. See Carafa
Naturalisation letters granted to Scots¬
men, 484 n.
Navarre, queen of. See Dalbret,
Navigero, cardinal legate, 170.
Nelson, Thomas, servant of Darnley at
Kirk o’ Field, 356 n.
Nemours, M. de, 81 n; suspected of
a plot to abduct the duke of Anjou,
436, 440, 441, 442, 444 n; proposed
marriage with queen Elizabeth, xlix n.
Newbattle abbey, 96 n.
Nichetto, abbate, agent of cardinal
d’Este, 82, 156,158.
Nobility of Scotland, classification of,
Norfolk, duke of, proposed by queen
Elizabeth as husband for queen Mary,
193 and n, 198.
Northumberland, earl of, refuses to
restore the Spanish subsidy, ciii.
duke of, the cause of Somerset’s
death, 467.
Nuncios, provision made for, 264 and n.
Nunneries, disorders in, xxv, 526, 528.
Ochiltrie (Uchiltre), lord, 255, 256.
Ogilbe, lord, 256,
Oliphant, lord, 255.
Orkney, bishopric of, 55 and n, 56.
Orleans, bishop of, his hatred of the
cardinal of Lorraine, 476.
Oysel, Henri Cleutin d’, French am¬
bassador at Rome, 195 «, 426, 430 ;
letters from, to Charles ix., 451,
453; letter from, to Catherine de
Medicis, 452, 453, 454 ; death of,
454 «•
Pacheco, Pedro, cardinal, on the
obstinacy of Paul iv., 23-24; death
of, 41 and «, 43.
Francis, cardinal, 41 n ; letter of,
to Philip 11., 211, 212; letter to,
from Philip, in answer, 213.
Paget, lord, letter from, to Cecil, on
the date of the marriage dispensation,
Ixxx, 195 «.
Panter, David, bishop of Ross, 9 n,
28 « ; ambassador in France, 415.
Papal leagues, xxxviii-xl n, ciii.
Paris, extract from annual letters of the
Jesuit college in, 507.
Parma, duchess of, 64 n.
Parpaglia, Vincenzo, abbate di San
Saluto, 462-463; his mission to Eng¬
land, 46, 47 ; letter from, to cardinal
Borromeo, no, 112.
Paul in. calls queen Mary defender
of the church, 169; his taxation of
the Scottish clergy, 524, 525.
Paul IV., accession of, xix; petitioned
to impose a tax on the clergy, xix,
522; grants dispensation to queen
Mary and Francis, xxiv ; his inaction
and obstinacy, xxix, xxxvi, 23-24;
apathy of, regarding Scottish affairs,
xlvi-xlvii; his refusal to recognise
Elizabeth as queen of England, xxvi
n ; death of, xxxvii, 417.
letters from, to queen Mary, I, 3 ;
Trivulzio, 4, 6 ; and Henry II.,
4. 7-
letters to, from Henry 11., 13, 17 ;
ueen Mary, 522-524; and cardinal
ermonetta, 525, 528.
Pays d'obHssance, 24 and n.
Pelleve, Nicholas de, bishop of Amiens,
legate to Scotland, xxx, xxxvii-xliii,
15, 17, 19, 20, 27, 30, 31, 36, 39, 41 ;
his orthodoxy called in question,
xxxvi, 21, 22, 24 ; proclaims free¬
dom of conscience, xliv ; failure of
his mission, xliv-xlv; neglected,
xxxvii; letter from, to queen Mary,
445, 447 ; letter to, from Pius iv. on
his appointment as legate, 31, 35.
Pensions for expelled monks and nuns,
96 and «, 99.
Perth charter-house, 96 », 123 n; de¬
struction of, xxix.
Petitions for taxation of the Scottish
clergy, xix, 522-524.
Philip 11. of Spain, 23 and n, 24, 25,
43, 45; his negotiations for the
marriage of don Carlos with queen
Mary, 97, 99, 177, 178. 179 and n,
180 ; favours a marriage between the
archduke Charles and queen Mary,
Ixvi, 461, 462; displeased at the
proposed excommunication of queen
Elizabeth, 174; proposes don John
of Austria as husband for queen Eliza¬
beth, 194, 199 ; willing to assist
queen Mary, xcix, 213-214, 434-435 ’

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