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387, 389-391; Mary’s affection for,
392> 393 ; his marriage, cxxvii,
cxxviii, 394, 396, 477, 520 ; opinions
on the marriage, cxxix.
Bottom, Taddeo, letter from, to the
duke of Ferrara, cxxix, cxxx.
Bourbon, cardinal of, 375, 377; his
interview with Laureo, 295, 301.
Bourdaiserie. See La Bourdaiserie.
Boyd, lord, 255, 256.
Braunsberg, foundation of college at,
Brechin, bishopric of, Ixxxv, 28 and n,
30, 55 and n, 56, 122, 135, 512 ;
church of, 221, 223.
Breze, Simon de Maille de, bishop of
Tours, death of, 415.
Brienne, count of, to attend the baptism
of prince James, 279, 282, 289, 291 ;
at the baptism, 334; returns to
France, 340, 341.
Broet, father Paschase, letter from, to
Santa Croce, on the mission to Scot¬
land, 508, 509.
Broughty castle, battle at, 415.
Buathier, M., vicar of the archdiocese
of Lyons, 382, 383.
Buchanan, George, his de Comitiis
Romanorum Nic. Gruchii, 416 and n ;
quoted, lx, Ixxxi, cxiv n.
Budua, bishop of, 169.
Bulls, papal, sent to Scotland, 280 and
Caithness, bishopric of, 55 and n, 56.
earl of, 227, 253, 254.
Calais, capture of, xxiv,
Caligari, Giovanni Andrea, extract of
letter from, to cardinal Commen-
done, 238.
Calini, monsignor, letter from, to
cardinal Cornaro, 168.
Calvinists denied freedom of con¬
science, 505.
Cambuskenneth abbey, 28 and », 30,
40, 42, 123 ».
Campbell, Alexander, bishop of
Brechin, 28, 30, 262 n, 516 «.
John, bishop of the Isles, 28 n,
Canisius, father, Polanco writes to,
433. 486.
Carafa, Alfonso, cardinal, 21-24;
letters to, from cardinal Trivulzio,
. 9, 25, 26 ; letter to, from the bishop
ofFermo, 10-12.
■ Carlo, cardinal, papal legate to
France, 420 and «, 421 ; character
of, xxi.
Carafa, Gian Pietro. See Paul iv.
Cardano, Hieronymo, an Italian doctor,
on the way to Scotland, 415, 416.
Carlos, don, negotiations for his mar¬
riage with queen Mary, Ixv, 97, 99,
Carnavallet, M., 437, 442.
Carswell, John, bishop of the Isles,
28 n.
Cassillis, earl of, 9 «, 194 «, 227, 253,
254, 256.
Cateau Cambresis, treaty of, xxiv,
xxvi, 46 n, 417.
Cathcart, lord, 257.
Catherine de Medicis, sends an ambas¬
sador to Scotland, 66, 68, 70, 71 ;
message from the emperor to, 178;
desires to assist queen Mary, 294,
300; opposed to the queen’s marry¬
ing don Carlos, Ixvii, 465; her in¬
terview with Laureo, 374, 376; two
daughters born to, 420, 421 ; her
hatred of the cardinal of Lorraine,
449, 476; her exclusion from the
government discussed, 463 ; letters
to, from d’Oysel, 452-454.
Catholicism, unhappy condition of the
priests, 126, 137 ; the cause of their
misfortune, 127,138; their scandalous
lives, 127, 138; the possibility of a
catholic rising in F.ngland, ill, 112;
increase of the catholic faith in Scot¬
land, 94, 95 n, 97-99, 496 ; how
Catholicism might be revived, 127,
138; miserable state of, in Scotland,
146, 148, 149, 151 ; threatened de¬
struction of, 241, 248; doors of
catholics ‘calket’ in Edinburgh, 98
n ; the catholic faith freely preached
in Scotland, 492, 494, 495, 505, 507;
list of catholic nobility of Scotland,
254, 255 ; Irish catholics, 64, 69.
Cecil, sir William, on queen Mary’s
claim to the throne of England, xxvi
n; tyranny of, 176.
letters from, to Lethington, 438,
letters to, from lord Bedford, 233 n ;
lord Paget, 195 n; Randolph, 140,
202, 233 «; Smith, 194 n, 195 «;
Throckmorton, xxxiii », xxxiv n.
Ceneda, bishop of. See La Torre,
Michael de.
Cervini, Marcello. See Santa Croce,
Cessford, laird of, 273 n.
Chantonay, M., instructions to, from
Philip II., 469.
Charles, archduke, a suitor for the

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