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he notes that the queen is imprisoned in the castle of the island of the
lake [Loch Leven], which castle belongs to the Earl of Murray’s half-
brother on his mother’s side. Hence he very naturally concludes that
the earl himself was a participator in the rebellion, and absented himself
partly from fear of the Earl of Bothwell, partly in order to be able to
maintain his favour with the queen and her party, whatever might
happen. By this absence he has not merely been able to play the part
of an innocent man averse to the late tumults, but he has also managed
by his pretended services to win over both sides in order to mount the
throne as he had planned. What has helped him most has been the
crafty counsel of Secretary Lethington, a man believed to be so astute
and unprincipled, that in all the late treasons he is thought to have
thrown the stone (as they say) without seeming to move his hand. It was
impossible, humanly speaking, to expect good there, while he enjoyed
the queen’s favour.
Meanwhile I desired to send your eminence Father Hay’s letter, in
the hope that now that the wounds of that unhappy realm are bare to
the quick, his Holiness may some day, with the help of divine grace, set
his hand to a salutary reform. Recommending myself, etc., I pray God
grant you long life, etc.]
No. 116
Polonia, 171, fol. 2 [»ic].
[Rome, 18 August 1567]
Molto reverendo monsr, come i’rateli.o,—Ho ricevuto ulti-
mamente una di V. S. R. de V. di questo, insieme con la lettera
del P. Emondo, dalla quale si pud facilmente comprendere le
cose della Religione et di quella Regina in che termine si
trovino. Pero anchorche Nostro Signore senta simili avisi con
qualche passion d’animo, vedendo cader la Religione et la
divotione in quei popoli, con danno evidente delle anime loro.
Tuttavia piglia piacere della diligentia di V. S. R. con questa
occasione. Et io per questo le mando in nome suo la bene-
dittione, ofFerendomi allei di continuo per fine di questa, che11
Signor Dio la conservi. Di Roma a xviii d’Agosto M.D. Ixvii.
Di V. S. molto R., come fratello. Il Carle Alesno.
[Addressed as before.]
[Endorsed] II Sigr Cardinale Aless110 alii 18 d’Agosto 1566

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