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all due submission, 1 must suggest to your eminence that in my opinion
it would be expedient for the service of God and of his Holiness, that no
one should know at the present time that the aforesaid deposit of
money has been removed for use in other places, to the end that the
queen, seeing how in truth the Pope ever ‘stands at the door and
knocks,’ should rouse herself with renewed ardour to prepare Scotland
for the restoration of the holy Catholic religion. And herewith I kiss
reverently your eminence’s hand, etc.]
No. 109
Inghilterra, I. A, fol. 31.
[Mondovi, 18 June 1567]
Dal Mondovi alii xviii di Giugno del Ixvii.
[l] Ricevetti hieri una lettera della Regina di Scotia scritta
di suo pugno in Francese, nella quale la Maiesta Sua mostra
desiderio grande d’essere * conservata nella buona gratia et
opinione di Nostro Signore et di volere vivere et niorire in la
santa Cattolica fede. Et percioche potria essere che per le
nuove che vengono di Francia la Santita sua havesse cagione di
dubitare dell’ animo di quella Maiesta, non ho voluto man-
care di mandare alia S. V. Illma la medesima lettera con la
tradottione in Italiano, affinche sua Beatitudine, considerando
la efficatia delle parole della stessa Regina, habbia occasione di
1 Mary’s holograph is preserved in the Vatican, Litterae Principum, vol. xxxii.,
and printed by LabanofF, ii. 20.
‘Monsieur de Mondevis,—The designs which, as I am informed, some
ministers of the queen, my good sister, entertain touching the maltreatment of
some of my subjects, as they pass, warn me to risk nothing in this letter, and I
have prayed the Sieur du Croc to inform you of my desire of communicating
with you. For this purpose, I shall send you an express messenger when I
am back at Edinburgh, and meanwhile I beg you to keep me in his Holiness’
good grace, and do not let him be induced to doubt my resolution to die in
the Catholic faith and for the good of his Church, which may God increase and
maintain, and give you long and happy life.
‘ From Sterling this 22 of April.
‘ Votre bien bonne amye, Marie R. ’
That Elizabeth’s ministers thought Mary’s letters fair game wherever they

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