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Cardinal Borromeo to Cardinal d’Este (In cipher)
Rome, 3 January, 1561-2
The Pope is pleased to hear of the negotiation you have
commenced in England, etc. [Nothing specific about Scot¬
land.]—ms., Arch. Vat. Nunziatura di Germania, iv. 128.
Cardinal d’Este to Cardinal Borromeo
St. Germain, 17 January
I will not omit to forward to you herewith the letter which
Mons. di Moretta has sent me of late from England, etc.—
Printed, S. Baluzii Miscellanea, aucta etc. opera J. D. Mansi,
Archiepiscopi Lucensis Lucae, 1764, iv. 381 a.
Same to Same
St. Germain, 30 January
It was a pleasure to me to hear that the Pope approved my
idea of the negotiation in England. . . . Mons. di Moretta is
now returned. Nichetto1 will give you information of the news
he has brought.—Printed, Baluze-Mansi, iv. 385 a.
Same to Same
St. Germain, 23 February
[After describing his endeavours to keep up negotiations
with England] : As regards the Queen of Scotland, I am still
expecting the coming of Monsieur de Guise to court to induce
her to send to the Council. Joined together, our persuasions
should have much force with her. You shall be kept constantly
informed of what occurs—Printed, Baluze-Mansi, iv. 390 b.
Cardinal Borromeo to Cardinal d’Este
Rome, 15 March 1561-2
The Pope has heard with great pleasure what you wrote
about Mons. di Moretta. If that queen acts as she has pro¬
mised, etc. [Nothing about Mary.] Your Eminence will
find copies of the briefs for the two queens tied up with this.2
1 This sentence illustrates the custom prevalent during the wars of religion
of not consigning important messages to paper, but leaving them to be delivered
orally by trusted agents. This partly explains why matters of importance are
often but little noticed in this correspondence.
2 The briefs are printed in full infra, No. 31.

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