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[/ iiS\f. 5. in some grace & favor at | court, evir extolling & preferring
himself & detracting & calumniating vthers (albeit hidelie &
covertlie for the most pairt) not darring than vther wayiss in
respect of the estait of the cuntrie & humor of the people
thairin other extreme Impatient of Iniuries & prone to revenge
socht his auin benefit & preferment be meanes & intercession
als weal of the bad as of the guid zea & rather of the viciouss
nor of the vertuouss propter similitudinem morum, flattering
the michtie of credit, & pouerful in al their humors
fantasies, & wikkednesses whatsoevir, & Imploying al his
Wits, knauledge & dexteritie to promooue al thair intentions
& to cloik & patronize al thair vnhappie & wicked proiects &
facts, mutch gevin to talk, uery vnadvysit & inconsiderat als
weal in his speeches as writs, & thairfor oft subiect to con¬
tradict himself & rather to hurt nor help that he took in hand
to defend or protect & patronize, very rasche in attempting &
vnsecret in his cariage. Whilk thie his humors & defects as
occasion sal serue wil in the progres of this writ more
manifestlie appear.
He did writ & publiss manie pamphlets libels & books
[/. uss*]/. SK some | in writ, & some in print, some witheout anie name,
some withe supposit names of vthers, & some vnder his auin
name. He wret a littil Pamphlet & causit it to be put in
the Spaniss toong & sent in Spain in Writ callit 1. Relacion de
las cosas de Escocia witheout anie name or date to it. Ane
vther Pamphlet in engliss printed in 16. callit. 2. The Copie
of a lettre written out of Scotland by ane engliss gentleman
of credit & worschip serving thervnto a frend & kinsman
of this that desyred to be informed of the truthe & circum¬
stances of the slanderous & infamous reports maide of the
Q. of Scotland at that tyme restreined in maner as Prisoner in
Ingland vpon pretence to be culpable of the same. Witheout
anie name of Author, printer, date or suprascript. Ane vther
Pamphlet or book in frenche. Printed in 8. anno 1572
Witheout the name of the Author printer or place callit.
8. L’lnnocence de la tres Illustre tres chaste et debonnaire
Princesse, Madame Marie Royne d'Ecosse, ou sont amplement
refutees les calomnies faultes et Impositions iniques publiees
par vn liure secrettement diuulgue en france, 1’an. 1572,

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