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To finish this yeares accounts and observations among several a rude ryot and
forrunning accidents, one shrud one is to be noticed which fltrfn invernes
happened at Invernes at a grand faire, August 15, being the called theCabog
feast of the Asumption of the Blissed Virgen. Uppon the hill
south of the castell the horse mercat stands, and there being
some women uppon the edge of the hreay selling of cheese and
bread, readdy for such as could not go farr to fetch it, one
Finlay Dow,1 a townes man, takeing up a cheese in his hand,
asked what the rate of it was. This being told him, whither
designedly or by negligence, he let the cheese drop out of his
hand, and down the hill it runns into the river. The woman
told him she would oblidge him to pay. He (a crabbed fellow)
gave her cross language of defyance. One that stood by,
espouseing the quarrel, held him fast, and tooke off his bonnet
in pledge untill he should pay the woman. A relation of
Finlayes challanged this man as non of his concerns. Yes, said
he, I am concerned as a wittness to see just things. To
threatning words and as goods, they goe from words to blowes,
till at length most of the hill markat is ingaged to a confusion.
This allarms the whole town. The guards are called, who
come in arms, and John Reed, a pretty man, their captain,
runs in betuixt the parties to seperat them. Severall other
gentlemen present offer their mediation; no heareing, but
swords drawn, guns presented, some vounds given. Provost
Alexander Cuthbert is told that his guards are not regarded,
puts on a steel cap, sword, and targe, caust ring the alarm bell,
comes up streight to the hill, and many pretty fellowes with
him. The people cry for justice. The guard, being opposed
and abused, let off some shot. Two are killed outright, and
above ten wounded. The noise busted, maters examined, the
guard blamd. If the Provost in a fury said he allowed and
avowed quhat was done, for w’ho durst disturb the kings free
burgh at a markat time ? is debated; but it is alleadged he
said so, and manet alta mente repostum judicium Paridis. The
Highlanders keep a grudge; two Mackdonels were killed ; one
Cameron and a Philan dyed of their wounds. The open
ruptur was honested on both sides with a punctilio of honour,
Black Finlay.

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