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copies of the present constitutions and statutes, and on the
holders of cures that each of them within his diocese do, at
their next chapters to be held by them according to use and
wont, but at the expense sufficient for the purpose of the said
holders of cures, formally produce in writing copies of the
same, in order that the said statutes and constitutions may be
the better observed by them, on pain of removal from their
offices; also he enjoins on all and sundry the holders of cures
aforesaid that they, and each one of them respectively on his
own account, do personally present and exhibit such copies to
his most reverend paternity at each synodal chapter; under a
penalty of five shillings on those who do not so produce their
copies, to be applied to pious uses and to be exacted without
mitigation; Yea and the deans are to be examined as to the
observation of this statute during the past year at the next
following chapter.
Now the absolution or release of all and sundry who in any
way in respect of the aforesaids have incurred or may chance
to incur such sentences, censures, and penalties the said most
reverend father, the lord archbishop and legate, specially and
expressly reserves to himself and his commissaries deputed for
the purpose; and this he intimates to all and sundry whom
it may concern by these presents, to which is affixed the round
seal of the said most reverend lord. At, etc.
XXIV. Monition in respect of beneficed clergy that they
keep residence under pain of the confiscation of a
fourth part of the fruits of their benefices, with
sequestration of the same, in event of their not
Andrew, etc. To our dean of Christianity of L . . ^
Although we aforetime duly, lawfully, and in accordance with
the sacred canons, as is more fully shown in our said synodal
constitutions, warned all and sundry the beneficed clergy, to
1 Linlithgow was one of the rural deaneries of the diocese of St. Andrews ; so
was Lothian or Haddington. See note n, p. 70.

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