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tion Anent
only became operative in cases where the parties interested
acquiesced in the Committee’s determinations, as a number
of them did. Scott’s Fasti has several references which
give the impression that the decreets had been duly
ratified and had been annulled by the Act Rescissory of
1661. This is not the case, as the Act Rescissory dealt
only with the Parliaments from 1640 to 1648, and the
prior Act annulling the Parliament and Committees of
1649 expressly declares that, notwithstanding the repeal,
all Acts, decreets and sentences pronounced and given
forth by the Commissioners for Plantation of Kirks are
to stand valid in time coming, except such as upon the
complaint of any party shall be found to have been un¬
justly or exorbitantly pronounced and decerned.
Part of the Teind Office manuscript is badly worn at the
edges. Where this has affected the text, the words or
letters supplied are shown within square brackets.
At Edinburghe the tuentie ane day of Junii imvie and
fourtie nyne yeires, the Estaites of parliament taking to
ther consideratioune that part of the Supplicatioune given
in to them in name of the province of Argyll, maikand
mentioune of the great hinderance of the progres of the
gospell and work of reformatioune in these partes 'be
reason of the unioun of kirks and the larg extent of severall
paroches and of the far distance of mony lands from their
owne paroche kirk, being much neirer to other kirks, and
that in their provincial] meitings for remeid heirof they
have resolved on severall good overtoures for disuniting
of kirks, dismembring of paroches and erecting of new
kirks also represented be them to the saids Estaites of
parliament, And in respect it will be great and extra-
ordinarie charges and expensis for all pairties having
entrese in this mater to repair to the brugh of Edinburghe,
and that in regard of their great sufferings and losse they
are not able to attend thereupon befor the commissioners
of parliament appoynted for the plantatioune of kirks,
Tharfor humblie craving a comissioun to the personis efter
named for proceiding in the said mater at home as the

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