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Dugald, and ordaines report to be made of their
The brethreen of the presbyterie of Sky, haveing refused,
according to the ordinance of the commission from the
general! assembly attending the Parliament, to joyn them¬
selves with our province, but haveing given in their appel¬
lations to the next generall assembly, For assurance of
their compearance the assembly has thought fitt to give
ordour for their sumonneing, which accordingly was done.1
The assembly finding that notwithstanding that by
our soveraigne Lords favour and the declaration of the
estates of Parliament the presbyteries are cled with right
and title of presentation and admission of ministers to
kirks that did belong formerly to Bishops,2 yet that Mr
Alan Clerk, miskenneing the presbyteries power, did take
a presentation from Jo11 me Clowd of Dun vegan to the
kirk of Glenelg, and that Mr Ard me Caiman did by vertue
of a presentation floweing from Jon Campbell of Ard-
chattan intend to invest himselfe in the possession of the
kirk of Kilespickerrell, which two did formerly belong to
the Bishops patronage and were at their presentation,
And therefore considering what ane ill preparative and
how hurtfull and prejudicial! to the presbyteries liberties
and right the giveing way to such proceedings might prove
hereafter, even to the hazard of the losse of the ryght of
the said patronages, seing there is no act of admission,
institution or collation past in the saids Mr Allan or Mr
Ard to the saids kirks respective relatively to the fore-
mentioned presentations, as they themselves did openly
confesse, The assemblie unanimousely, for preveening of
future inconveniencies and the stopeing of any lykes
entery and possesseing themselves in the foirsaids patron¬
ages, does discharge the saids Mr Ard and Mr Allan to
proceed any farder in takeing either institution or collation
relatively to the forsaid presentations under the paine of
1 At the next session a joint reference was substituted for this appeal.
2 See the Act of 1640 ‘ anent the admission of ministeris to these kirkis
which belonged to Beshoprikis.’—Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, v.

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