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money yeirlie at two termes in the zeir Witsunday and
Mertimes be equal! portiouns Beginnand the ffirst termes
payment theirof at the ffirst terme of Witsunday or
Mertimes nixt and imediatlie following the said Maister
George his deceis when the samyn sail happin to fall out
and occurr And sua furth zeirlie and termlie theirefter
at the termes and be equall portiouns as said is during
all the dayes of her said lyftyme With the soum of Ane
hundreth punds money foirsaid of liquidat expensses for
ilk termes failzie in caice the samyn be incurrit And
which lyfrent provisioun above specified The said Eliza¬
beth Dicksoun with consent of her saids curators under-
subscryving (Now as if the samyn wrere ante matrimonium
consumatum And then as now) Hes accepted and be
thir presents accepts in full contentatioun and satisfactioun
of all executrie conjunct fie terce conqueis latter will and
utheris whatsomever Whilks may of the law fall accresce
appertein and belong to her Or whilks she may any-
wayes ask suit or craive be or throw her said husband his
deceis when the samyn sail happin Renuncing and dis¬
charging the sam and all benifit that may redound to her
theirby in his favors for ever (Reservand always her said
spouse his awin goodwill allennarlie) ffor the whilks causs
The said Elizabeth Dicksoun with consent of her saids
curators undersubscryving (now as if the samyn were
ante nuptias and then as now) Be thir presents maks
constituts and ordains the said Maister George McKenzie
her spouse his airs and assignays her undoubted cessioners
and assignays In and to all portioun naturall bairnes
pairt of geir executrie legacie principall and ad omissa goods
geir debts soums of money bands heretabill and moveable
and uthers whatsomever whilks hes does or as zitt be law
may accress fall apertein and belong to her be or throw the
deceis of the said John Dicksoun her father or of Susanne
Ramsay her mother or of any wther persone freind or
relatioun be whatsomever maner of way And all bands
rights and securities maid and granted to her theirupon
or that is or may be anywayes conceavit or interprett in
her favors And all benifit that may redound to her be

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