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Impignoratio bosci de Kelbrochacha
Omnibus hoc scriptum visuris vel audituris, Eugenius
filius Connyg1 salutem in domino. Noverit universitas
vestra me impignorasse totum boscum meum de Kel-
brochachi cum omnibus rectis divisis suis et justis per-
tinenciis et omnimodis aysiamentis viris religiosis abbati
et conventui de Cupro pro viginti marcis bonorum et
legalium sterlingorum quas michi in mea magna necessi¬
tate mutuo premanibus concesserunt: de quibus denariis
teneo me perpacatum et clamo quietum. Unde volo
quod dicti viri religiosi dictum boscum habeant libere
et quiete ab onrni servicio auxilio consuetudine et seculari
demanda donee dicte viginti marce sibi fuerint integre
persolute Ita quod non licebit michi interim nec heredibus
meis de dicto bosco aliquid dare vendere scindere vel alio
modo distrahere nisi ad focale et ad domos meas proprias
construendas et reparandas. Dicti vero abbas et con-
ventus similiter non dabunt vendent nec destruent de toto
bosco nisi ad sua et monasterii sui propria edificia con-
1 According to the Rev. John Anderson (The Celtic Earls of Atholl, Scots
Peerage, vol. i. p. 419), Henry, Earl of Atholl, had a son ‘ apparently illegiti¬
mate, who described himself as Conan, son of Henry, late Earl of Atholl, in a
charter by him to the monks of Lindores giving to them the privilege of taking
dead wood and other timber from his wood of Tulyhen or Tulloch, near Blair
Atholl. This charter, which may be dated about 1220, is witnessed by Ewyn or
Ewen, son of the granter, and Hath, son of Gilbrid, his son-in-law. Conan also
made a similar grant to the monks of Cupar from his lands of Glenherthy and
Tolkyne (Glenerrichdie and Tulloch) which was confirmed by his son, Eugenius
or Ewen, who married Mary, daughter and co-heiress of Conval, son of Duncan,
Laird of Tullibardine.’ This same Ewen, being in need of money, obtained a
loan of twenty merks from the monks of Cupar, and in security thereof granted
them the following wadset of his wood of Kilbrochache in the year 1282.

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