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Item . . . their is . . . chargit upoun the comptare be
Williame Fullertoun, collectour of Anguus and Meyrnis,
thre barrellis salmond as tane up be the comptare or
Robert Raitt, his collectour, of the said yeir off the third
of the salmond of \blank\, extending to 3 b[arrellis] salmond.
Quhairof the comptare aucht to be dischargit be reason
that the said Robert Raitt . . . intromettit thairwith and
hes maid na pament to the comptare of the same alwayis
sua he aucht to answer thairfoir and mak compt of the
same, extending to the salmond foircharged. Et sic eque
for salmond.
Summ of the haill money baith of silver charge and
sauld victualis, for the quhilkis the comptar sail answer,
extending to £746, 11s. 9^d.
Off the quhilk soume thair aucht to be defeased to the
comptare . . . the half of his fee of the yeir compted, in
respect that the comptare buir the haill charge of the
office of the collectorie of the haill 67 yeir comptit unto
the [blank] daye of [blank] the yeir of God 15 thre score
sevin yeiris that he wes dischargit be act of parliament,
£333, 6s. 8d.
And the remanent of the foirsaid soume before chargit . . .
aucht to [be] defeased to the comptare in parte of payment
of the soume . . . quhairin he wes superexpendit in the fute
of his compt of the collectorie of the thre scoir sex yeir
precedand, as the said compt proportis, £413, 5s. l^d.
And sua is the comptare yit superexpendit be the said
office of collectorie, £13,173, 3s. ll^d.
Tenet Clericus Registri.
Robertus Thesaurarius.
J. Bellenden.
J. Spens.
David Forrest.

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