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(237) Page 188 -
to hir hienes at command of hir graces precept, as the same
and the said Archebaldis acquittance, producit upoun
compt, proportis, £187, 10s.
And . . . pait ... to Williame Stewarte, Ross herald,
translater of sic werkis as is necessar for edifeing of the
people, quhairof he hes had allowance of aid, be the
appointment of the buke of ministerie, £133, 6s. 8d.
And ... to Johnne Wallace for his laubouris tane at the
making of thir comptis, £40.
And ... to Thomas Sinclar for his laubouris tane
thairintill, £20.
And ... to Williame Bryssoun, maser, for his awaitting on
at the making of the haill comptis of the collectorie, £10.
And ... to William Fowles, ischear of the chakkerhouse
duir, for his awaitting and laubouris tane in the same,
And of fivetene pundis allowit to Maister George Cuke, in
consideratioun that he wantis his haill commonis in the
kirk of Dunkeld and in respect of his service awatand
upoun thir comptis the tyme of the chekker, £15.
And . .. allowit to Maister Peter Galbraith for his laubouris
in awaitting upon thir comptis, £10.
And . . . allowit to Johnne Aitoun for his laubouris and
awaitting thairupoun, £10.
And . . . defeased and allowed to the comptare for his
laubouris and continewall service done be him and his
servandis upoun his awin expenses in the collecting and
gaddering of the soumes befoir mentionat, quhilk extendis
far abone the propirtie of the haill realme, and in considder-
atioun of ma servandis sustenit be him necessarlie nor he
wes accustumat to hald of befoir and of the expenses and
charges maid and debursit be him upoun thame to the
effect foirsaid and in respect that thair wes alsmekle

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